On Tuesday 27th August Primary 6&7 went on an archaeological dig to Rubha Port an t-Seilich on Islay because they are doing a topic on life in Mesolithic times. The dig was run By Professor Steven Mithin from Reading University and a team of archaeologists.
The site that they were visiting was found when a gamekeeper bought pigs to dig up the bracken, but instead the pigs dug up a piece of flint that was over 9,000 years old.

When P6&7 got to the site they were amazed at what an archaeological dig looks like and how much effort the workers put into it. Abbie Morris class pupil said “It was amazing, the trench was massive!”

The class got to have a look at some of the artefacts. They held hammer stones, bones, flint microliths, arrow heads, chisels called bulins and even a very rare flint axe head.

Then they got to wash and sieve out dirt down on the shore to see if they could find Mesolithic artefacts from the dig, and found lots of flints and microliths and even a stone with a hole in it. Afterwards they discovered that the team had uncovered even older artefacts that might be from Paleolithic times, which would make this the oldest historical site in Scotland!

They all had a great time!

by Danni

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