The end of January saw a really busy time for Lochgilphead High School Badminton players. For the first time since coming to the new campus, LHS hosted the MAKI (Mid Argyll Kintrye and Islay) Badminton tournament. Four pupils (two boys and two girls) from each year group took part in the competition which lasted for the whole day! Everyone played well and the event was very sporting and although we did not win all the events, we did dominate and win the S3, S5 and S6 tournaments.
This was a very good practice event prior to the Argyll and Bute Badminton Championships (Scottish Qualifier) held in Oban. Ruaridh Aitken and Alistair MacVicar came home very worthy winners of the U19 doubles and Ruaridh was runner up in the U19 singles