‘Snow White’ sparkles at Bowmore

Bowmore Primary held one of their finest pantomimes to date this December! The familiar story of ‘Snow White’ was retold in a sparkling version of song and dance.
Every class took part and performed a well-rehearsed and very professional routine. Our P.7s took on board the principal roles, from a very handsome Prince Justin of Bieberville to our outrageous dame, Sarah Sausage. Snow White walked on straight from a Walt Disney film as did the very wicked Queen – boo! The two henchmen were hilarious, bungling their mission to kill Snow White. There were twinkling sprites, sparkly dwarfs, scary spooks and colourful ballroom dancers adorning the stage! The audience was also entertained by sweet snowflakes and jaggy icicles, princesses, knights and even a large green dragon! All in all, there was something for everybody The music was a real mix of sweet, traditional and modern – our Highland Dancers even popped up for a very modern routine to Carly Rae Jepson’s “Call Me Maybe”!
Perhaps the highlight of the evening was the final routine whereupon P.7 performed a very ambitious and fantastic dance to “Gangnam Style”. It was incredibly professional and all credit goes to this dedicated and enthusiastic class – well done.
Bowmore Primary would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all parental and community support, we really do appreciate it. We can’t wait till next year’s performance!

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