On Wednesday 3rd October, Garelochhead Primary held a curriculum development event in school. The Pupil council and house captains wrote a letter of invitation that was sent to all the local businesses to invite them to come and work with us on 4 questions related to the 4 contexts of learning. 20 representatives from the Ministry of Defence, school health, dental service, accountancy, engineering (Babcock and Jacobs), outdoor learning, the local bus driver, Police Scotland, Pre-5, the local minister and youth worker and parents took part.
The pupil council presented the aims of the event and the school community was split into four groups led by the house captains. The children had an absolute ball interacting with our visitors and many links were made that will enable us to enhance the learning experiences of the children in the future. The attached photos show the pupil council presenting at the event and one of the engineers from Jacobs working alongside the children.