Bring A Grown-up To School Days

Parents, carers, grandparents and interested friends dusted off their old school bags and polished an apple for the teacher as they went back to school at both Minard and Furnace this week.   On Tuesday Minard hosted children’s grown ups as they learnt maths skills alongside the pupils by plying interactive maths games and solving problems.  Harley’s mum said, “It was great fun!” and all the grown-ups were impressed with the young people’s skills.

On Thursday it was the turn of Furnace’s grown-ups.  They learnt problem solving skills as well as using metaphors and similes in descriptive writing.  “I really enjoyed it, I think I kept up.” Said Abbie’s mum via the school’s Facebook page, continuing, “We should have the next one in spring to give me time to revise!”

Over two –thirds of the children in both schools brought a grown up to school this week, many of whom had taken time off work to join us.  It was a great opportunity for parents and carers to see what the curriculum is all about and how we engage learners every day.  This is the second time staff at the schools have held such and event and the next one is already pencilled in for later in the school year.

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