Lochgoilhead Primary School invite you..

Dear Queen, Duke of Edinburgh, Duke & Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke of York, The Princess Royal & The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge …….

Before we broke up for the Summer holidays we all worked very hard to put on a production of ‘Jack and the Bean Stalk’.  In fact we worked so hard on our version of the story we thought it fit for the Queen.  ‘ Why don’t we invite the Queen & her family to come and join us? thought Grace Charlton & Anna von Kaehne’, so that is what they did!!

They sent 6 handmade cards, inviting the Queen and all of the Royal family to ‘Jack and the Bean Stalk’ and enquired after Prince Philip as they had heard he had not been well.   The girl’s were also secretly wanting some fashion tips from the Duchess of Cornwall. Unfortunately the Royal Family were unable to attend however the girls received a lovely letter from Susan Hussey the Queen’s Lady-in Waiting it read.

To: Miss Grace Charlton and Miss Anna von Kaehne Lochgoilhead Primary School 

The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for the splendid handmade cards you sent Her Majesty, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke of York, The Princess Royal and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, in which you invited them all to your school play on 22nd June.

The Queen and her family greatly appreciated your kind thought for them at that time and, although they were unable to do as you ask, The Royal family hopes that ‘Jack and the Bean Stalk’ was a great success.

I think you would like to know that Prince Philip is much better now, and I am to thank you very much once again for writing as you did.

Susan Hussey


3 thoughts on “Lochgoilhead Primary School invite you..

  1. Wow Lochgoilhead, a reply on behalf of the Queen! Your news made me think of my little granddaughter Leah’s garden party at Nursery in June. She’s only 3 and she was MOST disappointed when the Queen did not show up at their event!!

  2. I am sorry I missed it too. Look forward to seeing many more productions from the pupils at our great wee school.

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