Argyll Collection Writing Competition Winners

CAST is happy to announce that the following budding graphic novel creators have won prizes in the 2014 Argyll and Bute Writing Competition, supported by Scottish Book Trust. First prize is scooped by Ellie Grierson from Lochdonhead Primary, second place goes to Holli Wilson from Rhu Primary and third is awarded to Morvern Paisley from Clachan Primary. There were many, many high quality entries this year combining a love of language and poetry writing with some pretty special artwork. Thanks to all who took the time and effort to complete the task set by CAST and also to Scottish Book Trust for supporting us again in 2014. Click on the names below to see the winning entries:

First Prize: Ellie Grierson
Second Prize: Holli Wilson
Third Prize: Morvern Paisley

4 thoughts on “Argyll Collection Writing Competition Winners

  1. A great BIG Well Done to all the winners. Some well thought out poetry and we could clearly tell which one of the embroidered pieces your comic strip matched. What a lot of work and effort.

  2. Well done to all the winners! An extra well done to Holli from Rhu, part of our Helensburgh cluster. An excellent achievement!

  3. We are really pleased that Ellie won us all some books!
    We really enjoyed the competition.
    Well done to everyone that took part.
    Hope you all enjoyed it too.
    From Kara Gray, Grace Corbett and Ellie Grierson.

  4. Well done to Ellie and all the compotion entries. We loved the competiton. I loved making the comic and Ella loved creating her poem.

    From Alex and Ella, Lochdonhead Primary School. Well done too all.

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