All posts by Sheena Stewart


Last Wednesday (19th May), some of the children from Dunoon Primary ELC set out on an ad venture. They were going on a bear hunt at the Bishops Glen! Before they fully embarked on their journey they wanted to hide the first of their painted “shanarri calamari” stones. These evolved from the Cowal P1 transition programme promoted by the Early Years Team and after carefully painting images on stones found on the beach, the children wanted to hide them throughout the Dunoon community for people to find. They were keen for folk to let them know if the stones had been found by letter, email or posting a picture on our school Facebook page and have already had their first response. This year’s P1 transition topic, based around the 8 SHANARRI wellbeing indicators of SAFE, HEALTHY, ACHIEVING, NURTURED, ACTIVE, RESPECTED, RESPONSIBLE and INCLUDED is going really well at Dunoon ELC. Thanks to the Early Years Team for gifting each setting with a toy octopus – we named ours “Rocky” and he has played a huge part in the fun and learning opportunities supporting each of our children as they make the journey from Nursery to Primary One.  With the first stone suitably placed, the children continued on their adventure. They trampled through “long wavy grass,” waded through “a deep cold river,” squelched through “thick oozy mud” and searched through “a big dark forest” until, after much excitement, they eventually found A BEAR! We would like to extend a massive thanks to Andy at Chainsaw Craft for donating our fabulous bear – our little ones were so excited to find him. To top it all the children enjoyed a bear hunt themed Bookbug session in the woods at the Bishops Glen celebrating Bookbug week (17th – 23rd May 2021) and Bookbug’s Big Splash. . . . . . . . . The sun was shining and it truly was a beautiful day!