Category Archives: News

Day 1 of Lendrick Muir

We started today with a reflection time in our colour groups. The reflection time was about resilience. This afternoon we did team challenges in the woods and the light blue team won.  We got to do the rocket launch, to see how far our rocket could go with air and water. The winning  combination was 20 percent water and the rest was air. The sandwiches for lunch were very good. We went on a tour of Lendrick Muir and we got to see all the fun activities that we are going to be doing this week.  After the tour we got to do a scavenger hunt. Between our activities we got to have a break for a snack. One of our biggest challenges today was to make our own bed. We got a choice of different things for dinner. We could choose between sausage rolls or chicken goujons. There was also a veggie burger option. Tonight we went on the night walk and we had a campfire, where we toasted marshmallows. We are now going to settle down to watch our movie before heading to bed.

Good night from P7.

24.2.22 P6W Blog

It certainly has been a busy few weeks in P6W since we last shared our learning!

We participated in a number of tasks as part of “Languages Week” at the beginning of February.  Each task undertaken earned us points towards a school competition which we won jointly with P2C. Here are the activities we took part in and some pictures of the tasks.

–  Get Set Activity  – Learn how to say “How are you?” in 6 different language – French, Spanish, British Sign Language, Russian, Chinese, German . Respond to register call (Individual task)-

Freestyle – (Pupil Led Lesson)  Paper Origami Tiger Bookmark to celebrate Chinese New Year (Individuals task)

–  Listen to a story in a different Language – The Eejits in Scots (Class)

–   Sing a song in another language -Chu Chu Wa (Class)

–   Find and cook a recipe from another country – chicken noodle soup (5 Groups)

–   Wordwall Language Quiz (Class)

–  Design a badge featuring a word or phrase in another language (Individual Task)

Languages Week Quiz – completed in jotter and peer assessed (Individual task)

–   Create a piece of art inspired by a famous artist from another country. Piet Mondrian stained glass windows (Individual task)

–   Free writing in Spanish – Carmen (Individual)

–   Children order lunch in Spanish  – respond to register call (Individual task)

–  Spanish Lesson – Freestyle Challenge. Ordering food in Spanish  – Listening and talking challenge (individual task)

–    Watch a story you know in another language – El Grufalo (Class)

–  Freestyle Challenge  – Get Set Task-  Duolingo Lesson (Individual task

– PE/ IDL  – Learn how to dance like a Russian Kossak (Individual task)


In addition our special language focus, we have also been developing a number of other skills;

Numeracy – We have been learning all about how to manage finances by creating a budget.  Mrs Welsh set us the task of planning a holiday with a set criteria and a budget.  Here is one of the proposals put forward for consideration.

IDL – We have continued to work on our Russian topic, which has had even more relevance now given how much Russia has been in the news lately.  We have been learning about the physical and human geography of Russia – learning about its varying biomes.  To link with our writing theme of “information texts,” we have also been investigating and learning about famous Russians like Putin, Rasputin, Gagarin and Tchaikovsky. We will make notes and then use our notes to write a biography.

Next week we will be beginning a mystery topic.  Mrs Welsh had been giving us clues each day this week to help us guess what it is.  Do you think you know?

As well as developing our ball skills in PE, we have also been learning how to do orienteering.  We have been learning how to read maps accurately and even participated in an orienteering course around the school grounds. We also became quite interested in the Winter Olympics, especially when Team GB were doing so well.  Miss Foote and Mrs Welsh arranged for some indoor curling equipment to be delivered so we could practise the skills we had observed.

In science we have been investigating materials by carrying out a number of different experiments.  We were separating materials by filtering (sand/water), sieving (Flour/ raisins), Evaporation (Salt/water) and magnetism (rice/paperclips).  We have also been investigating reversible and irreversible reactions by mixing warm milk and vinegar to create casein plastic and bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to create carbon dioxide.



We have been revising our multiplication methods such as the lattice method, grid method and column method.  We are also continuing with our Algebra block in line with our Academy transition project.  In class we are exploring different division methods including the bus stop method and the chunking method.  Our knowledge of times tables is very useful in division, so it is important that we keep practising these at home!


In literacy we created our own biographies of a friend, completed an information report on a sports person and wrote some diary entries.  We continue to increase our knowledge of how to identify and interpret key information which is our key comprehension focus at the moment.  We are continuing to read daily in class and we are competing in the First Minister’s reading Challenge as part of our World Book Day activities!


We used our STEM skills to carry out experiments with glacier movement and erosion which was fun! We are moving on to learning about inherited characteristics and genes through exploring  the Sherpa community.  In music, we are appraising and identifying dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc), working up to improvising, composing and performing our own music by singing and playing instruments.

Other areas

Spanish – We are learning phrases on how to order at a restaurant and vocabulary for food and drink.  We have been role playing in pairs to learn the vocabulary, we have planned a visit to our favourite restaurant and we will soon be creating our own menus!

Transition – We have begun our online transition to Armadale Academy.  Each department will send a SWAY plus activities for us to complete every week!  So far, we have completed lessons for the Maths, CDT and Student support departments.  We are recording these in a transition jotter which will be given to our new teachers in June. We use our STEM skills to complete a build challenge set by the CDT department at Armadale Academy which we all really enjoyed!  These pictures were uploaded for our new teachers to see.

We have enjoyed:

L – I’m excited to play hockey in P.E

C – I have really enjoyed doing gymnastics in P.E and I am so excited to go to camp!

J – The chunking method in numeracy for division is fun!

N – I like learning about glaciers and I really like numeracy especially the methods of multiplication.

K – I enjoyed doing the frozen landscape pictures in Art.