Category Archives: News

Primary 5MW



In numeracy we have been learning about decimals. We know about tenths and hundredths and have been working out their place value. We now know that decimal numbers are not whole numbers and we have been comparing them to fractions.


We have been writing some fantastic expositions. We have been looking at persuasive language and trying to create convincing arguments.


In PE we have been using our throwing and catching skills to play games of bench ball. We have also been doing team games and challenges.


We have learnt about loads of different inventions. One of the inventions we looked at was the light bulb by Thomas Eddison. We learnt how to create light bulb circuits with switches and buzzers. Next week we are going to create our own lightbulb inventions. We have also been creating our own inventions including bright bags, the maker, the robodog, the gas and litter bot and the get up and go.

Flowers Project

We have been taking part in a national research project based on weather and plant growth. Some of our bulbs have now started to flower and we cant’ wait to bring them home at Easter!




We hope you enjoyed our BLOG updates from camp last week!  We had so much fun and made so many great memories!


We are continuing to enjoy our Transition project with Armadale Academy every week.  In class, we have been revising short division and learning new strategies for long division, such as the chunking method and dividing using factors.


In literacy, we wrote fabulous science fiction stories using descriptive detail and great vocabulary!  We will see if any of our stories are able to predict the future which we learned about while exploring this genre!  We have had lots of class discussions about our topics for our exposition writing focus, which have included the recent war in Ukraine, social media and it’s effects and whether P.E should be part of our curriculum.  It has been very interesting!  Our focus for reading is inference, we are getting much better at spotting clues in texts to help us!

Other areas

Spanish – We are learning vocabulary for clothes and colours.  Our transition SWAY from the Academy this week was from the Modern Languages department and we had to introduce ourselves in French and Spanish!

P.E – We are taking part in a class hockey tournament and finishing off our block of gymnastics by creating our own sequences which have to include certain skills that we have been learning over the last 6 weeks!

We have enjoyed:

J – Camp was fun; I especially liked talking to my friends in our room.

F – We got to do so many activities at camp, it was brilliant but I was really tired at the end of it!

CT – As part of British Science week, we are taking part in a project with the Academy which I am looking forward to.

L – I enjoyed baking.  I made chocolate brownies and cakes.

A – I enjoyed the pizza box challenge at camp because it had an extra fear factor to it but I overcame my fears and had fun.

H – The King Swing was the best activity, I went on it with my teacher who screamed very loudly!

P4p Blog 16.3.22

Good morning everyone,

P4p  are having a fantastic week. As it is British Science week, we are having a big focus on STEAM learning R in our class remembers that it stands for ‘science, technology, engineering, art and maths.’ Miss Purdie planned a STEAM challenge in P.E this week where the children had yo create a fitness obstacle course that met certain rules… they were:

  1. Your course must be at least 3 metres long
  2. Your course must use an even number of equipment
  3. Your course must include a ball, but you cannot make physical contact with it during the course

This was a great opportunity for the children to solve a problem and create something by working together. We used measuring skills, planning and designing skills in order to create our courses. Next week, we are going to teach our obstacle courses to everyone in the class!