Author Archives: Mrs Cook

P1 Tuesday 26.5.20

Good Morning P1!

We hope that you all managed to spend some time outside yesterday as well as fitting in a little school-work.

Remember that there is a place value challenge for you all on Sumdog if you like practising your number work using computer games.

Today we have Mrs Cook reading chapter 6 of The Great Denture Adventure. This is a fairly long chapter so it is in 2 parts. After listening can you answer these questions? Why did The Crazy Bandeleros hire costumes? What sort of things were in Larry’s Loony Emporium? What do you think the children and Grandma are going to do next?



Here are your Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today and this week’s Rights Respecting Schools challenge.

Windyknowe Primary School RRS Challenges P1-3 25.5.20

Literacy 26.5.20

P1 Numeracy 26.5.20

Have a good day!

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook

P1 22.5.20

Good morning everyone!

Here are today’s activities. Incuded below is a link to a Rights Respecting Schools power point with a challenge. There is also a video of Mrs Cook and Julianne the puppet adding up money in their fruit shop.

Thank you TO for your photograph of you food monster. Well done for using your vegetable peeling skills to make the cucumber body!

Have a good day!


Windyknowe Primary School RRS Challenges P1-3 18.5.20

Literacy 22.5.20

 P1 Numeracy 22.5.20

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook


P1 20.5.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Today the story video link is chapter 5 of The Great Dental Adventure. Here are some questions to think about after listening to the story: What did everyone think the tiger had done with Grandma’s teeth? At the end of the chapter where do you think the teeth were? What do you think the policeman, the children and Grandma will do next?


There are also video links for you to practise peeling and grating a carrot and cutting up a cucumber. These life skills may help you with the art challenge to create a mini-beast from fruit and vegetables!



Literacy 20.5.20

P1 Numeracy 20.5.20

Enjoy today’s activities!

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook