Author Archives: Mrs Cook

P1 28.4.20

Good morning everyone! We hope that you have been making the most of all the lovely weather over the last week. It was great to hear that so many of you have been keeping active by using bikes, scooters, trampolines and paddling pools!

A link was posted yesterday at the end of the afternoon of a wee video of Mrs Cook doing some numeracy. Please be forgiving as its hard to teach without children! Click on  P1 at the side if you can’t see it. Hopefully we will start to add videos of all the teachers reading books over the rest of the week.

Thank you boys and girls for being so good at home and doing some school tasks and thank you adults for working with your children to keep up their learning. It is much appreciated. Have a good day!

At 11am today you may wish to observe a 1 minute silence as a sign of respect to the NHS workers who have lost their lives.

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook

Numeracy 28.4.20 (2)

Literacy 28.4.20 (1)

P1 23.4.20

Good morning Primary 1! It has been so lovely speaking to lots of you on the telephone and it’s great to hear that everyone is healthy and been enjoying getting outside in the fresh air to play in gardens, go on scooters or bikes and to do family walks. During this good weather why don’t you have a look for minibeasts outside? Look under things and in damp places to find woodlice and beetles. Look at them closely and perhaps take a photo or draw a picture. You could look up the internet to find out some facts about them. We have loved hearing about how some of you have been seeing the learning themes on the blog and making up your own activities. We are very proud of you for all your hard work at home!

Enjoy today’s activities!

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook

Literacy 23.4.20

Numeracy 23.4.20