Author Archives: Mrs Messenger

P1 Home Learning – Friday 27th March

Happy Friday everyone!

We have nearly completed the first, very different learning and teaching week at home!

Can we please remind all parents/carers not to use children’s full names or anything that can identify them  if posting onto our blog or social media sites. Anything that could cause a child to be  identified through our sites will be deleted as part of our procedures for child protection.

Mr Kerr has set up a whole school competition on Sumdog today – it starts at 9am Friday 27th and closes at 9am on Saturday 28th.  It would be fantastic to have some P1s in the top 20!

Thank you all for your support and lovely comments, we miss seeing the children’s happy faces every day and we hope that you are all well and keeping safe.

Mrs Cook, Mrs Messenger, Miss Johnstone & Miss Hendrie

Literacy 27.3.20

Numeracy 27.3.20

P1hm Learn it! Log it! Blog it!

“We are learning oo, I made oo glasses!”

” We are learning about road safety with our buddies and making posters”.

“We made a moon for oo”.

” We were counting back from 30 using a ball to pass around”.

” I can use counters to help me take away numbers”.

” I made a fire picture using chalk, water and paint”.

” I did a picture for the art exhibition, it is a water lily”.

” We were practising big letters”.

Learn it! Log it! Blog it! P1hm

P1hm – Class BLOG 30/01/20

“We have been learning about weather. We built big snowmen and little snowmen outside to see which ones would melt first.  The big ones lasted the longest.”

“The rain melted the snow away”.

“We made rain cloud pictures using water and paint”.

“ I liked making our favourite weather scene”.


“We have been learning about odd and even numbers”.

“We count up in twos for even numbers”.

“The odd numbers don’t have a partner to pair up with.”

“ Our sounds have two letters.  They are tricky to write”.

“The ng sound is in lots of words”.