Author Archives: Mrs Messenger

Primary 1 02.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Well done to EP in P1c who was our overall winner in last week’s Sumdog competition!  We also had EM from P1hm in 2nd place and AD from P1j in 3rd place. Fantastic results!

Here are today’s literacy and numeracy tasks:

Literacy 02.06.20

P1 Numeracy 2.6.20

Mrs Messenger has recorded a rhyming story for you to enjoy today, here is the link:

WhatsApp Video 2020-06-01 at 21.45.50

Have a great day!

Miss Johnstone, Miss Hendrie, Miss Cook & Mrs Messenger

P1 29.5.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Here are today’s literacy & numeracy tasks:

Literacy 29.5.20

P1 Numeracy 29.5.20

We have a few people who are on our leaderboard for the current Sumdog challenge –  well done to CS, EP, EG and EM!  Remember you have until 12noon today to participate! Keep going!

Have a great day!

Miss Johnstone, Mrs Cook, Miss Hendrie & Mrs Messenger


P1 27.5.20

Good morning Primary 1!  We hope you are enjoying this great weather!

We can see that lots of you have been busy on our new P1 Sumdog challenge, this will continue until Friday when we will announce the scores!

Here are today’s tasks:

Literacy 27.5.20

P1 Numeracy 27.5.20

Miss Hendrie has recorded a story for you today:

WhatsApp Video 2020-05-26 at 14.37.05

Enjoy and have a lovely day!

Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone, Mrs Messenger & Mrs Cook