Author Archives: Miss Johnstone

Primary 1 Home Learning 21.4.20

Good morning Primary 1! Here are today’s literacy and numeracy activities.

Literacy 21.4.20

Numeracy 21.4.20

For term 4 we are starting a new topic all about the environment. Whilst we were at school we asked the Primary 1 classes what they would like to learn about in our new topic! Below are our great ideas and our general theme for our new topic. You may wish to follow up any of these ideas at home.

Topic Ideas – Term 4 PDF

Have a good day!

Mrs Cook, Miss Johnstone, Mrs Messenger and Miss Hendrieย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Primary 1 Home Learning 2.4.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Here are today’s literacy and numeracy activities ๐Ÿ™‚

Literacy 2.4.20

Numeracy 2.4.20

After the Easter holidays we will be learning about how larger numbers are made up of tens and units. To help with this it would be very useful to have some items in bundles of 10. In school we use cotton buds bundled into tens with elastic bands. Alternatively you could use cocktail sticks or twigs.

Also, as part of our topic next term the children are keen to investigate growing plants. You may wish to get a packet of dwarf runner beans or sunflower seeds to plant after the holidays. Thank you.

Enjoy today’s tasks!

Miss Johnstone, Mrs Cook, Mrs Messenger and Miss Hendrie

Primary 1 Home Learning 30.3.20

Good morning Primary 1! We hope you all had a nice relaxing weekend and ready for a new week of learning at home ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are today’s literacy and numeracy activities! We have also added this week’s cross curricular learning and PE tasks from Mrs Howard.

If you finish all of your activities and have some spare time, feel free to login to the following websites and play any of the games:

Studyladder, Sumdog or Active Learn (some of the active learn games require flash and may not work on your device).

Literacy 30.3.20

Numeracy 30.3.20

Family Learning week 2 – 30.3.20

P1 PE – Week Beg 30 March

We hope you enjoy your tasks and remember to leave a comment if you would like to let us know how you get on!

Miss Johnstone, Mrs Messenger, Mrs Cook and Miss Hendrie