Author Archives: Mrs Cross

Primary 2 BLOG It! 12.6.19

We have been really enjoying our Caribbean Island topic over the last few weeks. In small teams we worked very well together to create a model island. This helped us to develop our creativity and problem solving skills. We had to plan what resources we would need, share responsibilities and use our listening and talking skills. We hope to add more to these models as we learn more but have enjoyed presenting what we have done so far in class.

In literacy we having been developing our reading and writing skills by researching famous pirates and then using the information to create fact files.

In numeracy we have been revising addition and subtraction. We have been focusing on mental strategies. We have also been working on fractions and finding the area of a shape.


Primary 2 Blog It! 18/3/19

Wow we have been busy in primary 2! Our teachers are very proud of all the hard work we put into making our show a huge success  and thank you to all the adults who came to see us. In  class the hard work didn’t stop during our show rehearsal weeks. In literacy we continued to learn new sounds and common words. We have been using our imaginations in writing to produce alternatives to well known fairytales. In numeracy we have been learning to multiply by 2, 5 and 10. We have also started to learn about division. P2cw had a fantastic time on their trip to Edinburgh Castle and P2jm are looking forward to going tomorrow.

Primary 2 Blog It! 27.2.19

Wow what a busy few weeks we have been having in Primary 2! We having been working very hard on our ‘Rainbowlocks and the Three Bears’ part of the P2-4 show. Narrators are confidently remembering their lines and when to speak, dancers are looking fantastic on stage and our singers outstanding. We are super excited to share all of this with you very soon.

In numeracy we have been consolidating our knowledge and understanding of multiplication by 2, 5 and 10. We have started to learn about division and so far we have been dividing numbers by 2.

In literacy we have been learning all our new sounds as well as our common words. We have particularly enjoyed learning about verbs and had lots of fun acting some out for our friends to guess.