Author Archives: Mrs Cross

P7cw Blog It 18.11.20

We have been been learning to develop lots of teamwork, communication and physical skills in during P.E. whilst playing Basketball. Some of us even got to be referees! We were also able to learn about the importance of tolerance and respect in sport. It has been lots of fun.

In Numeracy we have been enjoying learning about the difference between  credit and debit cards, comparing deals to find the best value for money and working within a budget.

In writing we have enjoyed creating our own imaginary ‘wonder’ rooms based on our class novel ‘The Nowhere Emporium’. We had to use lots of great description to create the correct atmosphere for our rooms .

P7cw Blog It! 7.10.20

Hi from primary 7cw.  We would like to share what we have been learning this term!

” I have liked learning decimals because it is fun and sometimes quite easy”

” I have very enjoyed art as we are drawing the old Academy and other historic buildings”

” I love competing in educational games/competitions such as Sumdog, Active learn and more”

” One of our highlights was making props and performing a Japanese dance for our topic”

” I really enjoy reading our novel called Wonder”

” doing symmetry for our Maths is something I have been included in and i really like it, we have been experimenting with mirrors to find if certain shapes are symmetrical or not”

we are looking forwards to learning more next term!

P6C Blog It 6.3.20

In P6c we have been learning about fair trade and the process of how the cocoa bean turns into the chocolate we see in the shops.

In numeracy we have been learning about fractions, decimals and  percentages.We have also been learning how to multiply and divide decimals.

This week in PE we have been doing fun challenges to earn points in our teams that we are in. For example one of our challenges was orienteering with our groups, we had to find lots of clues hidden around the school playgrounds.

In our new topic we have been getting ready for our space assembly on Friday the 20th of March.