P1 20.4.20 Welcome back!

Good morning Primary 1! We hope that you found some fun things to do over the last 2 weeks. It feels very strange for us not to be coming into school for the start of the new term. Today we will miss hearing all your holiday stories and finding out who has lost a tooth or got a wobbly tooth! We are all fine and have had a quiet couple of weeks with our families. Mrs Cook has been enjoying gardening and has perfected her homemade pizza and bread recipes! Miss Hendrie has been relaxing and watching movies. Miss Johnstone has been painting her garden fence and walking her dog and Mrs Messenger has been gardening, dog-walking and enjoying cycling on her new bike.

We will be trying to contact you all by phone over the next week or two to find out how you are doing and we can’t wait to hear your voices.

Enjoy today’s activities!

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook

Literacy 20.4.20

Numeracy 20.4.20 1

Family Learning week 3 – 20.4.20 v2

P1 PE – Week Beg 20 April