P2 Home Learning -Term 4 20th April

Good Morning and Welcome Back!

We hope you have managed to fill your time with lots of activities during your Easter break. Miss Morland and I (Miss Craig) spent some time helping  out at the Hub schools and were excited to see some familiar faces. We have also enjoyed some time relaxing too. We here are the activities for today. Literacy, Numeracy and the Cross Curricular grid you could chose from. Also see Mrs Howard’s PE for this week ( 2 documents).  You will notice that we were set to move forward with a new topic – more info on the grid.

Enjoy your day,

Miss Craig and Miss Morland


Home Learning Grid Monday 20th of April Literacy

Home learning grid P2 Numeracy Monday 20th of April

Home learning grid p2 Other Curricular Areas WB 20th of April 202

Throwing and Catching Visual Resource P2

P2 PE – Week Beg 20 April

One thought on “P2 Home Learning -Term 4 20th April

  1. OP comments on new topic-
    would like to know ‘how castle’s are made’
    ‘an old story’
    Build a castle made of lego bricks or different junk materials
    Learn about Edinburgh Castle

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