P3 10.6.20

Good morning everyone.

We hope you have had a lovely sleep and are ready for some more jobs today!

In literacy, we want you to start reflecting on your year in Primary 3! In numeracy, we are looking at rounding numbers and directions!

We have also uploaded you PE for the next 2 weeks as well.

Keep your pictures coming in – they are SO lovely to see!!

Thank you to TE for the numeracy work she has sent in! Fab!

Have a great day!

From Miss Foote, Mrs Settle and Mrs Welsh

10.6.20 Home learning Literacy

10.6.20 P3 Home learning Numeracy

10.6.20 Maths

Indoor Scavenger Hunt – P3 Resource

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt P1 – 3 Resource

P3 PE – Week Beg 8 June