P3 19.5.20

Good morning Primary 3!

We hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the Monday holiday yesterday.

Here are your jobs for today – we hope you enjoy them!

We have a new set of spelling words for the next fortnight so we have uploaded them here. We have also uploaded a comprehension task for you to use if you cannot access studyladder.

The West Lothian Sumdog competition is still going – let’s get on today and work hard to get up the leader board. P5h are 13th – wouldn’t it be fab to be there too!

Have a great day everyone!

Miss Foote, Mrs Settle and Mrs Welsh

19.5.20 Home learning Literacy

19.5.20 P3 Home learning Numeracy


dge and o 18.5.20

wb 18.5 Home learning grid p1-3 Other Curricular Areas
