Good morning Primary 1! We hope that you have had a good weekend and are ready to do some more school tasks today.
On Wednesday there will be packs of worksheets ready to collect from the school between 10 am and 12 noon for each child. These will complement the tasks on the blog.
Mrs Howard’s PE activities will continue from last week.
We have added some lovely photographs showing what some of you have been doing. Thank you KM, CA and EM!
Today the video link is of Miss Johnstone reading a story called The Station Mouse.
There is also a link to pictures of some night animals that visited Mrs Cook’s garden.
Enjoy today’s activities!
Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook
Story time with Miss Johnstone
These look like great ideas! Thanks for sharing. We may add some of these activities to our Family Learning.
I really like my wildlife camera and it can be very exciting to look each morning to see if any animals have visited. Some mornings though it is just the neighbour’s cat that has visited during the night! I got the camera because I wanted to find out what had dug a hole under my fence. I found out that both the badger and fox use this hole!
Mrs Cook – Saw this and thought of P1s – bug crafts and food. We haven’t done any in case you use.
Apologies, yet to share any of Zoe’s learning online. Will do soon. Hope you are all well.
Mrs Cook this is amazing seeing the different animals that visit your garden at night. You have started something now, my girls now want a camera in our back garden and see if we have any visitors. Both my girls found this very interesting.