Our S f L Vision
Support for all learners, in all classrooms, by all staff.
Our S f L Values
- Ensure that potential barriers to learning are minimised through Universal and Targeted Support, based on the individual child.
- Plan for, assess and regularly monitor and evaluate our provision of high-quality support that enables all children achieve success.
- Maintain strong partnerships with parents and other partners that support our children.
~ What is Support for Learning at Williamston? ~
Our vision and values for SfL play a huge role in this. At Williamston we want support to be not only robust, but also well-paced, meaningful and inclusive. We have high expectations of all our learners, therefore support is embedded in all classes for all learners, tailored to meet certain children’s needs & group and/or individual targets. Together with Class Teachers, Pupil Support Workers, Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator and other agencies where required (Speech and Language, Autism Outreach etc.), there is a large team of people working to ensure barriers to learning are minimised.
~ What will Support for Learning look like at Williamston? ~
We want to take what has worked previously in SfL, as well as creating new systems and approaches to the delivery of support. Where possible, support will happen in a child’s classroom, ensuring the quality and pace of learning activities are maintained, as well as supporting an inclusive model. On occasions, where more one-to-one time is required, the SfL base will be a working environment for both groups and individuals.
Support for Learning will happen throughout the school day, Monday-Friday. Within this there will be planned liaison time for learners, practitioners and parents, in order to maximise pupil progress
- Class Teachers
- Pupil Support Workers
- Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator
- Other Agencies – Speech and Language Therapy, Ed. Psyc., Social Work, Autism Outreach, LAC Outreach, Literacy Outreach Team, Numeracy Outreach Team etc.
Important SfL Documents at WPS