Nursery 30th Nov-4th Dec

Another busy week in nursery. We have been continuing to practise for our nativity as the stage is now up in the hall. We are getting really good at projecting our voices and getting into position when it is our turn to act. We are really looking forward to our performance next week. Keep practising your words! Please remember that all of our costumes are already sorted!

There has been lots of collage work happening at the craft table, this is helping to develop our fine motor skills. We will beginning to start some exciting Christmas art next week.

Some groups have been exploring the local woodland, trying to spot any signs of winter. We created mind-maps with some or our ideas: ‘the ground is crunchy’ ‘I can see my breath’ ‘There is ice’ Children who have not been and want to go will be given the opportunity in the next few weeks.

In our numeracy area we have been practising our counting skills. Some of us used our teddy bears to help our counting skills by sharing out a vareity of materials to each teddy, counting through the process.

Our role play area is now a cosy house, all set for Christmas. We have enjoyed dresing up in our new multi-cultural clothing and acting out a variety of different family scenes.

We are pleased to hear continued positive feedback for the Online Journals. There is a new function where photos or experiences from home can be shared too. Thank you to those of you who have used this already, it is always lovely to see a full picture of our nursery children. We also appreciate your comments on individual observations.

Our Christmas post box is now available and a class list is on the nursery door for anyone who is planning on writing Christmas cards this year.

We look forward to seeing you all next week at our nativity.

Book Week Scotland 2015

We celebrated Book Week Scotland last week. The Library After-School Club organised lots of exciting activities for the whole school.

The three books shortlisted books for the Scottish Children’s Book Awards were read over the tannoy by Mrs Hollands, Mr Taylor and Mrs McKenzie. They did an amazing job! We voted for our favourite and the winner will be announced shortly.

Teachers swapped classes and read from their favourite books and we took part in paired reading where the upper classes read to the infant classes. Members of the Library After-School Club ran a “Cover Book Quiz”. They read the opening paragraph from a selection of books and we had to identify the book, it was quite tricky!


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To launch the new comic book section of the library we asked pupils to design and create a page of a comic. The After-School Club now have the unenviable task of choosing the winners!

More news to follow………..


Primary 5 at Sky Academy

Primary 5 attended the Sky Academy studios on Wednesday 2nd December and had a fantastic time. We were shown how news reports are made from beginning to the finished product we see on the news. It was fascinating!

We had to work in teams of six to plan, write and film our section of the news report. We did this in four different studios with a deadline to meet and we each had our own job to do. Once we had all finished our section of the news report it was put together as one whole report about pocket money.

At the end of our session we had the opportunity to view our finished report, it was amazing. We all worked extremely hard and collaborated well together. Every pupil was awarded a certificate and given a copy of the news report on a USB to take home. IMG_1052   IMG_1066

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P5 Solids, Liquids and Gasses

In Primary 5 we have been learning about Solids, Liquids and Gasses. We have carried out experiments to study them. So far we have created filters to clean water, made salt crystals and today we created our very own lava lamps. Oil and water have different densities and thus oil will sit above water. We use food colouring which mixes with the water to make a pretty colour. We then added alka seltzer tablets which react with the water to make a gas, which then rises up through the oil as bubbles.IMG_1095 IMG_1102 IMG_1436 IMG_1439 IMG_1440


St Andrew’s Day in P4

100_8092Happy St Andrew’s Day! In P4 we have been learning about Scotland’s patron saint – St Andrew – and also about how people celebrate St Andrew’s Day on the 30th November. We gathered information from a variety of sources including a PowerPoint presentation, some films and a quiz. We learned lots of information which we then used to make our own quiz questions and leaflets. This will help us in preparation for our new Scotland topic which will start in January. Our leaflets look great! Can you find any examples of leaflets at home? Please bring them in to share with the class.

P4’s Measuring Fun!

In Primary 4, we have been having fun measuring the volume and capacity of a variety of containers using cups and spoons, and litres and millilitres. We even made our own containers and had a competition to see whose container could hold the most lentils. Have you been measuring at home for any reason? What did you measure and why? Post your replies below…

Book Week in P4

In P4 we enjoyed Book Week with a variety of activities. We finished reading Charlotte’s Web and used our imagination to write a sequel to the story. We took part in the silent reading session (shhhh!) and the fantastic book quiz organised by the Library After-School Club. We listened attentively to the three books read over the tannoy by members of staff and we will vote for our favourite book soon. But the highlight of the week had to be our paired reading and activity session with our P1 friends. We absolutely LOVED choosing a book to share with a P1 pupil and we made sure we were well prepared as we practised reading it with expression and though of questions to ask. We were all very responsible during the reading session and helped our new P1 friend to complete the activity. Keep up the reading!

What was your favourite book that was read on the tannoy and why??? Post your answers below….

New Home Links Function on Online Journals

From today you will notice a new button called “Home Links” on your child’s profile on the online journals.


Home Links Image

This will enable you to upload photos from home into your child’s journal. It could be a learning achievement, an achievement from a club or organisation or perhaps some family news that you would like to share with us.

We are really looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful photos.

Be The Best You Can Be!

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