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P4a Limefield Post

Hello to all of our friends from the Limefield group in Primary 4a.

We have all enjoyed using our times tables in our number work this week.

Ella and Mia enjoyed the NYCOS  workshop on Wednesday, learning a new action game and keeping the beat.

Harry is enjoying our Anti Bullying week and thinking about helping people who are being bullied.

Zain, Yusuf,  Jessica, Daisy and Ruby are enjoying the Children In Need day today.

Corrin is enjoying learning about giving change in Maths.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.




P4b Limefield Blog 15.11.19

Hello and welcome to Limefield’s Blog from P4b.  We would like to tell you about our learning highlights this week.

Alfie ‘I enjoyed writing a story about my friends Ben and Matthew. I got to tell everyone how fantastic they are and I was Star Writer’.

Matthew ‘I enjoyed playing outside on the field. I slid down a mud slide’

Eilidh ‘I am enjoying reading the nowhere emporium’

Alana ‘I enjoyed learning something new in Maths. We used a multiplication box. I also enjoyed filtering water in science’

Thank you for reading our Blog! We really enjoyed writing to you.

From P4b

P4b Howden blog 11.11.19

Here are some of the things which we have enjoyed over the last week.

Thomas ‘ I enjoyed my pupil Leadership Group. We were learning about pollution’

Robbie ‘ I enjoyed pupil Leadership Groups. We talked about how we can help planet Earth’

Sophie H ‘ I enjoyed having a special friend visit our classroom. It was lovely to hear how she is getting on in her new school’

Sophie E ‘ I enjoyed writing a story about fireworks, using onomatopoeia – BANG! CRACKLE! POP!’

Amina ‘ I have enjoyed practising my times tables, playing bingo’

Madison ‘ I have enjoyed thinking about friendship as part of anti- bullying week’

Nevan ‘ I am enjoying starting our water topic.’

Look out for our next blog: Limefield will be posting on Friday!

P6 Weekly Blog

Thank you to all of the parents who were able to come in to classes on Wednesday morning. P6a welcomed parents to a PE lesson and P6b were making sustainable poppies for our Remembrance wreath.

This week the blog is being handed over to Howden:

I really enjoyed making the poppies for the wreath!   Maddie P6b

I enjoyed using similes in my peace writing.   Amira P6a

I liked playing benchball and getting into the right place at the right time.   Callum P6b

I was really proud of my poppy.   Scarlett P6b

I learned throwing and catching skills in invasion games.   Mirko P6a

I liked creating a cover for my creative story.   Callum M P6a

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Murray and Mrs Ford

P7A- Howden

Andrew- I enjoyed trying new things at the Athletics event such as the reversa-boards.

Ismaeel- We were using Scratch to learn how to code. We had to animate an adventure game where the character collected items.

Ewan- I really liked sketching this week because I got time to practise my skills sketching fire and bonfires.

Patrick- I enjoyed the 3D art work, creating a tunnel book. My favourite part was drawing the background to create a scene from Ardroy. I did Jacob’s ladder.

Amelie and Eilish- At the athletics festival we won our 2-by-1 race together!

Kaylah- I enjoyed making the tunnel books for Ardroy. We had to use creativity and problem solving to put them together.

P3A Houston Blog

This week in P3 we have been learning lots of new things!

Ella, Ron and Charlotte loved the spooky Halloween paintings that they did because they were using paint and made some fantastic pieces of art!

Adam enjoyed creating a comic strip about a Halloween story which was super scary!

Ahmed loved making his mask with leaves during outdoor learning.

Dhanvi enjoyed everything that we done in school this week, she just could not pick one thing because it was all so fun!!

Finally, Andrew enjoyed making a potion and thinking of ingredients to add to his potion, he hopes it turns someone green!


P5b Learning Reflections from Houston

P5b have had a really busy week, learning lots of knew and exciting things! Many of our activities were based on Halloween.

Chloe really enjoyed her numeracy this week – she was carrying digits when adding HTU.

Austin and Alice both loved writing their Scary Stories for the Parent Council Halloween competition.

Sam enjoyed learning about coordinates, making his own grid and questions about his Halloween themed co-ordinate activity.

Lucy learned lots of new facts about the origins of Halloween in our reading comprehension activity this week.

Adam enjoyed creating his Health poster this week all about Healthy foods.

Simon loved learning all of his times tables this week

Jonathan designing his own Halloween costume this week


P6 Houston Blog

It was lovely to see so many P6 parents this week at Parents Consultations.  This week has been another busy one in school.  Houston were in charge of the blog and here is a selection of their comments:

My spooky story helped me to work on writing better descriptive settings.   Eilidh P6b

I have enjoyed working on my times tables on Sumdog this week.   Sara P6b

I have enjoyed using the tow at skiing and going higher.   Harry P6a

I enjoyed spin tag and invasion games in PE.   Anya P6a

I enjoyed successfully coming down the mountain at skiing.   Anna P6a

I have learned how to do a spooky setting in literacy this week.   Hasan P6b

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Murray and Mrs Ford


Primary 3B’s Learning Reflections

It has been such a busy week in P3. We worked hard, we learned through play and we had lots of fun. These are some of the things we enjoyed learning about this week:

Mylie and Kenzi enjoyed learning about the properties of materials. This week we focused on hardness.

Harper, Liam and Euan really liked creating pictures of bats using chalk and cotton wool.

Archie’s favourite this week were the various Halloween activities which helped us develop some very useful skills such as measuring, cutting, and folding.

Eddie likes practising skip counting. He feels he is getting very good at skip counting by 3.

Ruaridh enjoyed creating a spooky comic strip. Everyone’s ideas and pictures were so impressive.

Mathew was excited to start his new Pupils Leadership Group. Ask us which Global Goal we are learning about.