Category Archives: ICT

Williamston waves update!

Hello everyone Williamston Waves crew here! This year we have been up to lots of things. We have had many themed weeks like Comic Relief and Fairtrade fortnight. We love telling our viewers our top three things of the week, news and weather, Williamston achievements, sports and world news. Unfortunately we will not be on this week but we will be back on after the Easter break. There will be more laughs more jokes and even more fun. Oh and keep your eyes open for some competitions! Our notice board is outside the lunch hall.

Olivia the musical!

P7 are having an amazing time working on our Junior Production of ‘Olivia’, which includes lots of different characters from other musicals, books and films.
We have already started on our dress rehearsals while the prop and art group have been working on backdrops and props. The choreography and ICT groups have also been working especially hard to get everything together in time.
As for the cast, they have been working very hard on their lines, singing and accents as well as acting!
We can’t wait to show everyone our hard work and we hope you enjoy it!
Olivia rehearsals

Olivia rehearsals

P6 ‘explore’ Europe!

P6 have been enjoying our new Europe topic! We are currently in the process of planning and writing our own ‘TV travel show’ in groups! Through the use of ICT we aim to produce an exciting show that teaches our friends about different countries in Europe! Many of us worked very hard on our homework research for our country and made some wonderful contributions to the task.
We would also like to say a huge ‘well done’ to Sean, Edan, Yasmin, Gregg and our ‘stand by’ Adam T for their dedication and hard work with preparations for the Euroquiz. We came 7th out of 19 schools from West Lothian!
In maths, we will be learning more about ‘division’, ‘time’ and ‘area and perimeter’ in the coming weeks. Of course, it goes without saying, that we should be practising our times tables every night as this is so important in ensuring we can move on with our number work and progress with our dividing and fractions! Well done to those of you who are practising; it most certainly shows during your maths activities!