All posts by Miss McMillan

Photography Competition

The International group have launched their Scottish photography competition! The competition is open to all pupils from Nursery to P7 and runs from now until 15th May 2015. Children are invited to enter a photograph that represents Scotland in some way, for example a landscape, a landmark, an animal or food. More details are available from the International Group reps. This competition is run in partnership with the Universal School in Mumbai, and the winning entries will be included in exhibitions in both schools. Good luck and have fun!

P4 Easter Gardens

In Primary 4 we have been learning about the Christian festival of Easter. We revised the Easter story and found out about Easter customs and their meaning.We were set a group challenge to design, plan and make an Easter Garden. It was great fun collecting the resources and working with our classmates. Skills we developed included creativity, problem-solving and team-work. Take a look at some of our Easter Gardens!

P4 Book Project

The deadline for submitting the P4 book to the publishers is fast approaching. Mary Turner Thomson, our author, has sent us a copy of the book with our illustrations inserted and we are now busy editing it. We are also reviewing the story and illustrations sent by our partners in Mumbai. We really can’t wait to see the final product and share it with everyone at our official book launch at the end of April. Watch this space for more details….


Primary 6b and Primary 1b recently held their class assemblies about the “Value of the Month” for March which was “Fairness” The classes helped us learn more about this value through stories, drama sketches and songs. The value linked with our recent focus on Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight. Many thanks to all involved!

Ceilidh Capers in Primary 4

We have been learning Scottish ceilidh dancing in Primary 4 this term as part of our Bonnie Scotland topic. The 3 dances we have learned are: the Gay Gordons, the Dashing White Sergeant and the St Bernard’s Waltz. We even worked with a partner to create and perform some dances of our own using Scottish dance steps. Some of the skills we have developed include: communication, team work, creativity, presentation and evaluation. We look forward to showing off our dancing next term, in our P4 show and during the visit from the Indian teachers.

Musical Marvels in Primary 4!

In Primary 4 we have been lucky enough to have NYCOS music workshops with Mrs Poynter this term. We have been learning about keeping a steady beat, simple rhythms and pitch, including the pentatonic scale. We have been making hand signs as we sing and learning to read music. There has been lots of fun and games along the way and we have really enjoyed our music lessons each week. Thank you Mrs Poynter!

P4 Book Project

In Primary 4 we are busy working on developing our story book in partnership with the Universal School in Mumbai and author Mary Turner Thomson. We have completed our illustrations and they will now be scanned and sent to the publishers. The character descriptions from India have also arrived and we will add them to our story. Our book will be completed soon and we can’t wait to see it in print. We will be having an official book launch at the beginning of May!

P4 does Red Nose Day for Comic Relief!

P4 are very excited about Red Nose Day tomorrow, Friday 13th March. We have been working SO hard! The Film Group have finished filming and editing their films. The Red Nose Group have sold out of red noses – that is a whopping 480 red noses they have sold in the past week! The Advertising Group have been busy with tannoy announcements, interviews, making posters and writing a letter to parents. The Fundraising Group organised the making of the picture bead funny faces and Loom Band jewellry and they are now selling the products around classes. They have also been collecting the entries for our competition to design Mr Taylor’s face. And finally, the Assembly Group have made a PowerPoint presentation and have been rehearsing for the big day tomorrow. Please remember to “Make Your Face Funny for Money” tomorrow and bring a donation for Comic Relief. Thank you for your support!