All posts by Miss McMillan

P4a Judo Session

In P4a, we really enjoyed our Judo taster session earlier this week. We wore cool jackets and all activities took place on special mats. We learned some Judo “moves” and how to be safe when doing these. Our instructor reminded us that we should only do these when at a Judo class though. We had lots of fun doing the activities with our partner!

P4 Show

The P4 Show is called “The Last Monster in Scotland”. The auditions have been held and our roles/parts have been given out. Our teachers were impressed that we all did an acting and singing audition – lots of talent in P4! We will all have an important part to play in the production of the show, including singing, acting, dancing, making props, costumes and scenery or in the technical and front-of-house crews. We are busy learning songs and dances with the help of our teachers and Mrs Thomson (drama) and Ms MacDonald (music). The P4 Show will be on Monday 22nd June and there will be a morning performance and an evening performance. There is lots to do and P4 would welcome any help that parents/carers could offer (please contact class teachers if you are able to help in any way). Exciting times ahead!

From Holyrood to Bollywood and Back

“From Holyrood to Bollywood and Back” is the new P4 book, written in partnership with The Universal School, Mumbai and author, Mary Turner Thomson. The book contains two stories, one set in Scotland, written and illustrated by Williamston pupils and the other set in Mumbai, written and illustrated by The Universal School pupils. The book is now available to order for £5 a copy. The P4 Sales Team will be coming around classes next week to100_7632 take orders for the book.


100_7502We were delighted to welcome Kirtida Thakkar and Suprabha Shah from our partner school, The Universal School, Mumbai, India, last week. Kirtida and Suprabha visited classes and pupil groups to meet pupils, parents and staff. They learned about the types of lessons we do and even took part in some ceilidh dancing and Kurling with Primary 4. Kirtida and Suprabha brought with them some of their pupils’ work to share with us, such as information for the joint money project with Primary 5 and examples of Fairtrade pictures from their Fairtrade Fortnight activities. They described their school in Mumbai and told us what it is like to go to school there. We held special assemblies in their honour where pupils shared aspects of Scottish culture with them through dancing, singing, drama and poetry. We were all sad to see them go! We had a wonderful week with them!


We are delighted to announce that Abigail Neil in P4a has won first place in the P2-P4 category of the West Lothian Highland Games  art competition. The theme of the competition was “My Scotland Now”. Abigail will attend a very special award ceremony at the Civic Centre at the end of May. We are so proud of her and her excellent art work!Scottish Art

P4 Book Launch

Primary 4 held a special Book Launch event for their book “From Holyrood to Bollywood and Back” last week. They wrote this book in partnership with The Universal School in Mumbai and author Mary Turner Thomson. The book contains two stories, one written in Scotland about two Indian children getting lost and one written in India about two Scottish children going missing in Mumbai. The book was written, illustrated and edited by pupils with help from their teachers and Mary, the author. Family and friends, plus special guests Mrs Black, Mr Taylor, Mary (author) and Kirtida and Suprabha (visiting staff from Mumbai), were treated to singing, dancing and refreshments. There was also a presentation on how the book was made and speeches. The published book was revealed and went on sale for £5 a copy. The book will be available to order at the School Fayre and in school next week.

Connecting Classrooms Visit

Just to let you know that on Monday 27th April, our friends from our partner school, The Universal School in Mumbai, India, are coming to visit us. The teachers’ names are Kirtida and Suprabha. We will be having a Welcome assembly on Monday and they will be visiting all our classes during the week. Hopefully they will have a good time at our school and in Scotland!

by the International Group


Fairtrade Prize Winners

The winners of our Fairtrade competitions were announced today. Primary 4b and Primary 5b had the most Fairtrade snacks on the two Fairtrade Fridays. The overall winners of the Fairtrade Mascot competition were Paige from P1a and Ruby from P4b. The overall winners of the Fairtrade Birthday Card/Cake competition were Anya from P2/1 and Iain Haywood from P5b. The winners received Fairtrade purses as their prizes. Congratulations to them and to all the runners-up, who received a sticker and a certificate. Thank you to all who entered the competitions and supported Fairtrade!