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For P1 – Harry Potter and a Magical Adventure

Hello P1, I hope that you have enjoyed todays learning and were able to take part in our mini-me challenge. If you didn’t get a chance to do it today don’t worry you can have a go anytime. I decided I would use my little Harry Potter figure to go on an adventure in the garden. Click the link below to see (you might even catch a glimpse of me in one or two of the photos).

Harry Potter and a Magical Adventure.-2

Mrs McKay’s Mini Me

Just as I was about to go on my walk it started to rain so didn’t get very far I’m afraid. Found some signs of spring in the garden-no bugs to see, which maybe isn’t a bad thing as I don’t know how Mini-Me might react to them. The tiny leaf made a good shelter for Mini Mrs McKay though!

P2- Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Everyone!

Lovely to see some pictures and comments this week! looks like lots of you are really enjoying outdoor learning!

Here are today’s activities!

Maths Challenge

Maths challenge 3

For Literacy, we will be reading and writing instructions for healthy snacks.  Please read the instructions for making a fruit kebab.

Literacy 29.4.20



Remember to write a comment or share your pictures.

Have a lovely day!

Miss Swift

P1 art task

Hi P1, I hope you are all having a lovely day and enjoying todays learning activities. I thought I would have a go a sketching a bird from my garden like you are all doing. Every day we have a little robin that comes to visit my parents back garden, so that is what I have tried to draw. Hope you like it. Click the link to see. Miss Mackay x

Robin in the garden