P1 art task

Hi P1, I hope you are all having a lovely day and enjoying todays learning activities. I thought I would have a go a sketching a bird from my garden like you are all doing. Every day we have a little robin that comes to visit my parents back garden, so that is what I have tried to draw. Hope you like it. Click the link to see. Miss Mackay x

Robin in the garden

6 thoughts on “P1 art task

  1. That’s amazing, you’ve seen my attempt at art so I’ll pass on this one. Was lovely to see some of the drawings P1 did yesterday too.

  2. Katie loves your drawing of the robin. I have sent in her picture she has drawn for you to see, she has coloured it in rainbow colour. Hope everyone is well and staying safe.

  3. Post author

    Thank you so much for sending in her picture, it was waiting for this morning when I logged in. I think it is lovely, especially the rainbow colours. Hope you are all well. Miss Mackay x

  4. Post author

    Thank you Mrs McKay, aww you know what we say to the kids you should never say you can’t do something :). x

  5. Orlagh loves your picture, she says it is really good Miss Mackay! I have emailed in Orlagh’s drawing☺️ Come on Mrs McKay, you can do it! I’m not great at drawing and I winged an attempt at what Orlagh was drawing. She seemed to like it though😂

  6. Post author

    Im glad you both liked it. I hope you enjoy my Harry Potter adventure as well. Look forward to seeing her picture when it comes through from school email. Miss Mackay x

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