Category Archives: P2/1 – Mrs McKay

P1 Home Learning Wednesday 27th

Good morning. Here are your activities for today. Please also see plan for more details.

Our new sound today is ‘or’.
Where is the ‘or’ sound made?

Can you think of any words that use the ‘or’ sound?
Does the ‘or’ sound come at the start, the middle or the end of these words?
Slide some sounds together to form words:
Now write these words and draw a picture to match. (Extension activity, write sentences.)
For, horn, born, doctor, anchor, mirror, short, torch, artwork, fork, shorts.

Videos to look at, alphablocks activity quiz.

Please click on the link below for today’s learning about quarters.

Finding a Quarter Lesson 1

Topic – People who help us.
Click on the link to our quiz. Good Luck!

Guess the Community Helper Game PowerPoint

P1 Home Learning Tuesday 26th May

Good morning, here is what we would like you to work on today. We hope you have enjoyed exploring our new virtual classroom. Please also see plan for more details.

Your common words for today
Or, one, had, by, words. alphabet song

Please click on the link below for the second part of halving a shape or amount.

Finding a Half Lesson 2

Mrs Grenfell will provide activities for you.