Good morning to you all, we are having another assembly at 10am today, if you have an older sibling in P4-7 you will be able to watch it with them on TEAMS. If not then the powerpoint will be posted on the blog later for you to view.
Category Archives: P1 – Mrs Hare
P1 Art – photos from home
P1 (P1L and P1S)
Thursday 28th May 2020
Good morning
Here are some activities. I could not load the table onto the blog so you have to click on the link. The template for the dream task is below, if you need it
P1 Home Learning Wednesday 27th
Good morning. Here are your activities for today. Please also see plan for more details.
Our new sound today is ‘or’.
Where is the ‘or’ sound made?
Can you think of any words that use the ‘or’ sound?
Does the ‘or’ sound come at the start, the middle or the end of these words?
Slide some sounds together to form words:
Now write these words and draw a picture to match. (Extension activity, write sentences.)
For, horn, born, doctor, anchor, mirror, short, torch, artwork, fork, shorts.
Videos to look at, alphablocks activity quiz.
Please click on the link below for today’s learning about quarters.
Topic – People who help us.
Click on the link to our quiz. Good Luck!
P1 Home Learning – Emotion Works Task
Hello P1,
Mrs Kinnear has put together an Emotion Works task that you can complete at home with your families over this week. Please click on the link below to take you to activity.
New link added to replace first one.