Tag Archives: Teamtay

Tay Class Update

Prior to the February holiday Tay Class made bird feeders using apple slices. peanut butter and bird seed.  They’re super quick and easy to make – why don’t you have a try?  We hung ours around the Trim Trail so we could observe them and see how quickly the birds eat them.

As a treat and to end our ‘Hot and Cold’ science topic we had some ice cream cones.  They were delicious!  We chose from either vanilla, strawberry or chocolate.  We are planning to do a pictogram to show our favourite flavours across the class, however some of the class were absent which means we will need to have more ice-cream another day.  Will our choices will be the same next time?

It was great to have everyone back in class last week after the break.  We quickly settled back into our routines.

We met some friends and adults from other classes in our Sensory Committee, out at the Trim Trail.  There were balloons, ice, paint blocks, brushes, spray bottles with watery paint and paper.  Many of us enjoyed exploring these resources.

There was a huge cardboard box in the outdoor classroom.  One of our favourite activities ‘What’s in the box?’ changed to ‘who’s in the box?’ Everyone had a turn in the box.  Some of us had lots of turns.  It was great fun!-  We did so well to take turns and share (a very small) space.

Tay Class News (St. Mary’s Primary ERB)

Tay class did some process art inspired by photos, songs and videos of Autumn.  We explored the colours: mixing different colours both on the palette and on the paper.

We continued our ‘All about Me’  topic.  We watched and listened to songs about bones and created skeleton pictures with different types of pasta.  ‘Dem bones, dem bones dem dry bones…’.
We listened to the colour monster story and sorted some different pictures into groups: sad, happy or angry.