P3 – Sharing the Learning


How Maths — No Problem! sets the stage for learning statistics

What a super morning we had with parents for our Sharing the Learning event.  As usual, we had a great turn out and we appreciate the support you show to your children and the school.

We have been learning about data handling and been focusing on pictograms.  This morning we collected data about Primary 3’s favourite fruits and we included parents too.  After collecting information, we created a pictogram to display the information and then analysed and interpreted it.


Primary 1S

This week we had a great afternoon at our school careers fair. We got to speak to lots of different people who do different jobs.

Joseph – My favourite was the zoo man.

Keeva – I liked the make up lady best.

James – I want to be a fireman 🧑‍🚒 when I am big.

Jude – The best bit was my Judo master was there!

During art this week we made castles with our handprints. We had lots of fun painting our hands and mixing the colours. We then cut out triangles to make the top of our towers. We love art and are looking forward to bringing them home😀

On Thursday we did some planting in class. We have planted cress 🌱 seeds and 🥕 carrots. We are going to look after the carrots in class for a bit and then plant them in the school garden.

On Friday we enjoyed the Big Breakfast and Sharing our Learning. Lots of grown ups came into class and we showed them how to play maths games on the class iPads.

Have a lovely weekend 🥰

Primary 1 Cooking 🧑‍🍳 Club

It was savoury week in cooking club and today we made 🍔 .
We talked about keeping safe with meat and keeping safe around the cooker.

We made our own burger pates and picked our own toppings, cheese 🧀 lettuce 🥬 tomato 🍅 onion 🧅 and sauce. Not many of us brought them home this week as we ate them in class, they were 😋

Some of us tried new things, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone.


Rannoch News!

It has been a super week in Rannoch…We are making huge strides in our Literacy and are enjoying reading books in our Read, Write, Inc. sessions. We have also enjoyed singing along to Phonics songs and matching our sounds with pictures.

In our ‘Beyond Number’ studies we have been revising our knowledge of 2-D shapes…readying ourselves to move onto 3-D!

As the sun has come out this week we have also enjoyed time outside and are getting really good at balancing on the Trim Trail.

We have also learned more about the animals that live in the rainforests. In Art, in relation, we made glittery parrot models which we are going to put up in our rainforest corner.

Primary 5

That was a very quick week in Primary 5!

We had our Monday holiday which is our last day off school until the Summer Holidays in a few weeks.

This week we have been back to our usual routine of Numeracy, Literacy, PE, and IDL subjects as we didn’t have Health Week or Sports Day!

In Numeracy we have finished off our Money topic this week and everyone worked really well getting this completed. In Literacy we started some new books which were really interesting and practiced our c, k, ck, ch words!

Our Assembly has been rescheduled until June 17th and we hope to see lots of you there!

Have a great weekend everyone!

What a couple of weeks it has been in primary 7

Last week was a fantastic week in primary 7 where we got to explore a range of different activities such as American Football,  Football, Judo, smoothie making, and sports day. We all enjoyed this week immensely and are thankful for all the activities we were able to participate in.

This week we have been busy with our topic WW2 project where we are constructing a model of a trench, concentration camp or Anderson Shelter.
As a class we decided to merge our writing topic of procedure writing with our science topic chemical reactions. We gather various liquids (water, milk, vinegar) and we’re testing to see if a chemical reaction took place when submerging a gummy bear in the liquids overnight. Our results found changes in shape, texture, size, colour and overall appearance. Check out our results.

In-between the hard work we managed to squeeze in some fun Just Dance activities.

For the past two days primary 7 have been attending transitions to Highschool where they have been seen munching on the chocolate crispy cakes the made in home economics. Seems they have had a great time.

Another great week in Primary 7. Not long left now. Keep being yourself P7. You are all amazing, special individuals. Your teacher is so proud of you.

P1 M Yoga, Numeracy and Dancing ! Another fun week !

This  week we learned all about long , longer and longest and short , shorter and shortest.   We also measured the length of our feet and hands using cubes.


On Thursday we had a wonderful yoga session with the lovely lady from Nurture Yoga.   We learned how to hold strong poses and stretch our bodies.   We also had a lovely chill at the end, and nearly nodded off.

On National Numeracy Day we learned  that numbers are everywhere and we are always using numbers in our daily lives. We did a dance and had to use numbers to count out the steps and the actions in the dance.   We had to concentrate really hard, and as usual we were Superstars !


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