Category Archives: Whole School Events

P1M’s Fantastic Day 4 of Health Week !

On Thursday we had a visit from the School Nursing Service Nurses.  We talked about keeping fit and active, brushing our teeth,  getting enough sleep and all things that keep us healthy.

We also had a chance to make Dream Catchers. We did a great job !




After break we had a go at  Highland Dancing ! Hamish McHaggis would have been proud  !

Out came the pom poms and off we went with our Cheerleader dancing !


After lunch on Thursday we had a wonderful time doing amazing sensory activities which were set up by Miss Allan and Mrs Mc Master.  (Thank you )  We had to show how good we were at balancing , jumping  and rolling.

We also got to feel lots of different textures, some rough , some smooth and some sticky and yukky, we loved it  !


Here we are enjoying our Sensory Workshop set up by Miss Lindsey.  We got to play with squishy orbies , make magic potions, pump water through pipes, find objects frozen in ice and chip them out and spray paint onto paper !   It was so much fun !


What a fabulous day !

Rannoch News

It has been an amazing, and very active, week in Rannoch!

We have made smoothies, played in the park, danced in the Hall, climbed on the Trim Trail, enjoyed Sensory Circuits and ridden scooters.

We have also drawn chalk pictures in the playground, learned about the animals of the Tropical Rainforests, painted exotic fruit, and kept a diary of our healthy eating this week! We have been very busy!!

Thank you to Mrs McMaster for arranging such a wonderful programme for Health Week for us to enjoy – We certainly did!

P1 M’s Day 3 of Health Week !

We started our day with an Enjoy-a-Ball session.  We learned new skills linked to volleyball.   We tried out ‘digging’, ‘ serving’ and volleying the ball.   We had great fun.


After break we kept active by playing ‘Spot the Word’ and dancing at the same time.  That was fun.

After lunch we had our Sports Afternoon  and tried out lots of fun activities.   We were happy to see our families.

Another great day !


P3 day 3 of Health week

To start day 3 of Health week we had a football session with Davie. He taught us that there is 4 parts of the foot you can use to kick the ball. We played lots of fun games where we had to dribble the ball and try to get the ball off of each other.

We then completed the Daily Mile. Some of us managed to do more than a mile today.

We learned that in Guatemala children make Worry Dolls. They tell these handmade dolls their worries and then put the doll under their pillow. When they wake in the morning the doll has taken away all their worries. We decided to make our own worry dolls out of wooden pegs. We used fabric, wool and pipe cleaners to make our Worry Dolls.

We are really looking forward to sports day this afternoon!

P1 M , Health Week , Day 2.


Day 2 of our amazing Health Week  Here we are playing games with our P7 Buddies.


We did some freeze dancing with Danny Go.


We did some gardening with Mrs Watson  and our friends in P1S, and we made flower bombs.   We had to squeeze compost , clay and water together to make a ball shape , then we rolled it in flower seeds.   After that we planted them .  Hopefully we will be able to watch what happens with the seeds and how they grow.


Here we are doing some dancing to music with P1S



We had time to explore and play in the outdoor class room with our P1S friends.


At the end of the day we had time for a little chill with some relaxation.    We listened to some soft lullaby music and watched the clouds float by with our lights on the ceiling.  Another packed day !


What a great day !


P3 day 2 health week

We have had another, busy, fun and healthy day. It was lovely to start our day with a fruity smoothie which we made ourselves. We peeled and chopped the fruit and we then cycled the smoothie bike to blend the fruit together to make our smoothie. They were delicious.

We then went outside to the garden. We have our own planter to look after. We emptied all the weeds out first and then added fresh compost. We then planted some cucumber seeds and Chinese Lantern flower seeds. We will keep an eye on the planter and weed it when needed.

We then did some yoga in class.



P1M’s Health Week, Fantastic Monday !

Our Health Week activities were in full swing today.   We have been so busy.

We started off with an assembly where Miss Lindsay told us what was happening and how we could have fun and keep safe while showing our school values.

First we went to  in the Polbeth Community Garden, we had to find and collect  different coloured plants .


After break we had a taster session of Judo.   It was great fun !


Before lunch we had a football question and answer session from Nicole who is a football player and coach,

After lunch we made sure to brush our teeth to keep them healthy.



In the afternoon we made smoothies, not before we used pedal power to drive the smoothie blender.   Yummy !

We finished off our day with some relaxation and a snack !





What an amazing day we have had .  Thank you to Mrs McMaster our PE teacher for organising our activities .  We had so much fun !

P3 Health Week Fun

What a fantastic start Primary 3 had to Health Week. Our first activity was with Destination Judo. We had fun trying to escape from our partner and using our strength to hold each other down.

After break we had an interesting talk from Nicole who plays, coaches and referees football. She talked to us about the rules of football and showed us her yellow and red cards. We enjoyed chatting to her and asking her lots of questions.

We then walked over to the Community Garden where we had a colour wheel and we walked around the garden and through the woods looking for these colours in nature. We added little pieces to our wheel to complete it. We found flowers, leaves, petals and grasses. We had the chance to smell some herbs and flowers. one smelled like toothpaste.

In the afternoon we played some table top games. Whilst playing these games we were learning to take turns, show consideration for others, understand that we can’t always be the winner and to be happy for our friends when they win. It was a relaxing, calm time in class.

We also spent some time out in the trim trail. The weather was perfect. We climbed, shuffled, balanced, ran and took turns.  We have had a great day. can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

A short but busy week in Primary 7

Primary 7 have worked super hard this week after their exciting but tiring week at camp last week. We have been busy working on our world war 2 projects where we are combining out STEM skills of technologies and engineering, and out topic work of world war 2 to create out own trenches, concentrations camps and Anderson shelters. Watch this space to see our creations.

This week we have been learning to find the premier and area of rectangles. We created our own rectangles in a theme of our choice and found the perimeter and area of these shapes.

Looking forward to the week ahead, health week!!!!
not long left primary 7! Keep up the good work