Category Archives: Primary 5

Cooking 🧑‍🍳 club Primary 5-7 and Primary 1

First week back at cooking club and it was savoury week. Both Primary 5-7 and Primary 1 groups made chicken 🐔 noodle 🍜 soup.

We worked with partners to chop vegetables and put it all together to make soup. Using lots of different skills then cleaning up after we finished cooking.

Lots of us tasted things for the first time, we are super proud of each other.

Primary 4-7

Primary 1

Gardening 🧑‍🌾 Club

Today in gardening club we got to use the secateurs. We listened to the safety rules as they are very sharp and strong. We then listened very carefully to how we prune the trees in our school garden. An excellent job completed and the trees are now under control.

We also weeded one of the large planters……weeding again 🤯 and this made us think of how quickly the weeds grow and why it is important to keep on top of them so our vegetables 🌽 and flowers can grow.

we even managed to harvest some.


Primary 5

That was a very quick week in Primary 5!

We had our Monday holiday which is our last day off school until the Summer Holidays in a few weeks.

This week we have been back to our usual routine of Numeracy, Literacy, PE, and IDL subjects as we didn’t have Health Week or Sports Day!

In Numeracy we have finished off our Money topic this week and everyone worked really well getting this completed. In Literacy we started some new books which were really interesting and practiced our c, k, ck, ch words!

Our Assembly has been rescheduled until June 17th and we hope to see lots of you there!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Health Week in Primary 5

What a week we have had in Primary 5!!

On Monday, we spent the day at Stirling Castle and took part in the Mary, Queen of Scots tour – we saw in the Palace, the Bed Chambers, the Great Hall, and walked along the wall to see Mary, Queen of Scots lookout! Ryan our tour guide was great and even crowned a Queen, King and Jester in our group!

Then Tuesday to Friday we have had loads of Health Week activities; Badminton with Mr Elliott, HIIT class with Mrs Saunders, Flower Bomb Making with Mrs Watson, American Football, Football skills, Polbeth Bowling Club, Smoothies on the smoothie bike, Fruit Kebabs in our classroom, Dream-catcher making with our School Nurses and SPORTS DAY! Huge congratulations to St John Ogilvie on winning the House Cup!!!

It has been a very busy but amazing week – huge well done and thank you to Mrs McMaster for arranging everything for us all!

Enjoy the Monday holiday P5 and I’ll see you on Tuesday!! Happy weekend!!

Mrs Wotherspoon 🙂

Primary 5’s short week!

Primary 5 have been really busy this week even although we’ve only been in school for 2 and a half days!

We started our new Numeracy topic which is Money – we had lots of great discussions around this; where we get money from, how we get money, what different money is like, different ways to earn money. Everyone has put lots of effort into this topic so far, massive well done! This weeks Learning Intentions have been focussing on splitting amount of money using decimals. Next week we’ll be moving on to rounding to the nearest amounts.

In Literacy, we were still focussing on our procedural writing and creating our board games – they all look great and I can’t wait to have the chance to play them!

The children introduced me to a new game they have been playing in PE with Mrs McMaster – Castle Tumble! Each team needs to build a castle out of hula-hoops, the pitch is split into 4 sections and it is all about protecting your castle from getting knocked down from the dodgeballs! It was great fun and really fun activity to do before our visit to Stirling Castle on Monday!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Wotherspoon

Primary 5 the last couple of weeks…

It has been very, very busy in Primary 5 over the last two weeks!!

We have been really busy getting all our Literacy work done – we have been practicing our ‘s, ss, c, ce, se,’ sounds AND our ‘j, g, dge’ sounds. Everyone has been putting in so much effort with their spelling work, very well done Primary 5! We have also started our new writing genre; procedural writing and, through this we have been designing and creating our own Board Games. Some of the ideas have been excellent.

We have finished off our Time topic in Numeracy. We learned the difference between the 12 and 24 hour clock, how to convert duration of time using seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. Again, everyone has worked so well on this topic, massive well done!!

We have completed our John Muir award and are awaiting our certificates. We have been spending Wednesday afternoons in the woods completing different challenges such as natural art work, den building, litter picking and discovering different leafs to recognise a variety of trees.

We are visiting Stirling Castle on May 13th and this week were researching, learning and discovering different facts about the castle. We completed a timeline of all the important dates relating to the history of the castle.

Everyone has worked really hard and deserves their holidays. Enjoy and I will see you all on Wednesday!