Category Archives: Ness

Half Term Update- Ness Class

A fabulous end to a busy term in Ness Class. We have really enjoyed our learning with many highlights to share. Our focus on Scotland and Burns led to many exciting learning opportunities and amazing Food Technology sessions. In Numeracy we have been very successful developing our strategies for multiplying- we really like grouping our numbers to help us count on! This will be a good strategy to help in our next learning block which will focus on Division and Fractions. We have also been using our clocks to tell the time. In Literacy, we are reading every day. Mrs Mains and Mrs Hill are really pushing our Reading Skills through Read, Write, Inc. We have also been focusing on Poetry and writing a Biography  about Rabbie Burns. In Health and Wellbeing, we are developing our core strength during Class Yoga, and Mrs McMaster has been putting us through our paces within team games and racquet skills. Each week provides us with different learning opportunities where our pupils lead the learning by planning mini-topics using our Floor book. Enjoy a sample of our learning in pictures below.

A Wee Week O’ Burns

Another successful and entertaining week in Ness Class. We had an amazing breakthrough in our Maths learning. The 6 times table is tricky, but we have discovered that making groups of 6 and adding on by 6 each time, gets the correct answer!

In our writing we were learning about Rabbie Burns. We planned a Birthday Party for him on Thursday and even had our own Burn’s Supper as the menu. Dominic and Laura loved the haggis. Shay and Nathan like the Tunnock’s Teacakes and the Irn Bru was a big hit with everyone!

Pics Below!

With the weather warning closing the school tomorrow, I will put some little tasks on the Teams page for anyone who wants to access them. Instructions are on the SWAY the school is sending out to all parents and carers on Thursday afternoon!

Stay safe everyone!

Welcome to 2025… Ness off a good start!

Happy New Year from Ness Class. And what a start to 2025. Our budding entrepreneurs decided they would like to create their own McDonalds at cooking time today. Lots of processes to go through but the production line worked well. Fries, burgers (cheese and plain) and nuggets were offered. Inspired by the cartoon Sponge Bob, Dominic named our restaurant the Crispy Ness!

Enjoy our pictures!

Christmas Party With Ness

Party Time arrived for our pupils this week. Lots of dancing, games, prizes and yummy food to eat. Hunter enjoyed his P1-3 Party with his friends in P3 and also his friends in Tay and Rannoch classes. Dominic, Laura, Nathan, Shay and Lochlan had a great time in the P4-7 party- boogying the afternoon away! Highlight of the Party seemed to be the ice cream cones- enjoyed by all!

Enjoy some of the pictures we have taken.


Responsive Planning leads to Tasty Creations in Ness

Its amazing how Ness Class can lead their own learning! Stumbling upon an article during our Afternoon Group, the pupils were keen to learn about Fondue- what is it and where did it originate. We used our Floorbook to plan and organise our very own Fondue tasting session.

As you can see from the pictures, we found it…

‘interesting’ -Lochlan

‘super crunchy tasty’- Dominic

‘lots of tasty bites’- Laura

‘I put sprinkles on my fondue’- Hunter

‘I like the orange’- Shay

‘Thumbs Up’ – Nathan.

We were lucky to have our P7 Prefects in to help us with our tasting session- we found they enjoyed the event too!


Ness Class Update…

Lot’s of tired eyes as we bring the first part of our 1st Term to a close. What amazing learning we have had since August and we finished off with a flourish by thinking about Halloween.

Our pupils have the following highlights of our T1 Learning:

  • Using the Mathematic symbols  <>  to help us compare numbers which are bigger and smaller.
  • Using our Core Targets in writing to help in our daily writing activities.
  • Learning about Amazing Adjectives to help us describe characters and settings.
  • Building circuits when learning about Night Time and torches
  • Working in the Garden and Woods with Miss Lindsay during Outdoor Learning.
  • Doing lots of amazing Art with Mrs Hill and Miss Mains.

We hope you all have a lovely October break, and look forward to seeing everyone back refreshed and happy.


Team Ness