All posts by Mrs Wotherspoon

The first week of May in P5

It was short but very busy week in P5 this week!

We all caught up after our long weekend, sharing tells of the adventures we had been on and listening to each others stories.

We continued with our reading, spelling and numeracy work. We also started a science experiment with lemon seeds to see if we can make them grow.

With this week being the first week of May, we also learned about Our Lady, Mary and ways we can celebrate her throughout the month. Primary 5 will be conducting the school Mass on Thursday 18th of May and have already been practicing in preparation for it.

The most exciting part of our week was going swimming at Excite in Whitburn. The children were in the water for 45 minutes and had lots of fun being either sharks or dolphins! They all did very well, put in lots of effort and were very encouraging towards one another.

I hope everyone enjoys their Bank Holiday this weekend and I’ll see you all on Tuesday morning!

Term 4 so far in P5!

It has been very busy in P5 since we returned from our Easter break!

We had our school trip to Sky Academy which was very exciting. Everyone got to take part in creating movie trailers and hopefully you’ve had a chance to watch them on the QR code sent home! li

We have continued with our maths topic ‘time’ and are starting to get to grips with the analogue clock. We are moving onto the digital clock next week.

In writing, we have started our new topic – Persuasive Writing – and we had a class debate this week about Earth Day and what can be done to help our planet.

We have lots coming up this term starting off with Shrek the Musical – we have some lead roles in our class so look for them when you come along to the performance in June! We have started designing back drops and props so our class looks a little bit like an Art Attack studio!

Also, next week on Thursday morning we are all off to Excite Whitburn for some swimming 10:30am – 12pm.

Have a great long weekend everyone! See you all on Wednesday 🙂

‘Make a Pound Grow’ with Primary 5

Primary 5 took on the challenge of ‘Making a Pound Grow’ as their Lenten Experience. After lots of planning in their groups, time designing posters, flyers and price-lists and, support from family and friends at home, they held their Bake Sale on Wednesday 29th of March.

The groups were: Fresh New, Grab’n’Go, Cake and Co, Sweetie Creators and LCNA. Each group were given £1 per person and Mrs Blair donated an extra £1 to each group. With their money, groups had to decide what to make and how much to sell their products for.

Fresh New were selling Easter cupcakes, tablet, crispy cakes and teacakes.

Grab’n’Go were selling s’mores and ice-poles.

Sweetie Creators were selling cookies and pancakes with chocolate sauce.

LCNA were selling toffee apples and chocolate apples.

Cake and Co were selling milk chocolate crispy cakes, white chocolate crispy cakes, cupcakes and rainbow jelly!

After an afternoon for hard work, I am very happy to announce that P5 raised £111.18 for SCIAF. I am so proud  of the hard work and effort all of the pupils in P5 put in to make their Bake Sale such a success. I am personally going to donate £8.82 to round up their donation money to SCIAF to £120.

Big well done P5! Go team!!