St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

November 8, 2024
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 – Weekly Update 8.11.24

We’ve had another great week in Primary 2!

We started our dinosaur topic and the children have been very excited about it.  This week we were learning about the Stegosaurus.  We were very impressed by the fantastic descriptions of a Stegosaurus that the children produced in their writing lesson.

In Maths, we continued to work on addition within 30 and we also started to explore money.  The children were learning about the different coins we use and their value.

During outdoor learning, the children worked as part of a team to make an animal shelter to help small animals during the winter months.

Learning Highlights:

Alexander – I was really interested in learning and writing about the Stegosaurus dinosaur.

Rudhvick – I liked learning about money and different coins.

Alfie – I enjoyed adding numbers together.

Leighton – I loved building animal shelters in the woodlands.

Ethan – I loved going to football club.

Ellie – I enjoyed doing Scratch on the Ipads.


Big congratulations to our hot chocolate winner Ollie!  Ollie has been working very hard in class.  He has been following our classroom rules and has been very kind and respectful towards others.

November 8, 2024
by Mr McGurn

Weekly Update for P7A

Dear Parents,

Here’s Olivia and Lucy with an update on this week’s learning in P7A…

On Monday we had literacy, we were making poems about Autumn.

On Tuesday we had French, with Mr McGurn, we learned how to count up to 30 in French and days of the week.

On Wednesday we got to see the maths teacher from St Margaret’s.

On Thursday we had PE with 2 new University students, we played netball with them. We had outdoor learning where we collected some firewood for future lessons and we learned about using hammers and nails with Mrs Dwane.

On Friday HWB, we had an online music lesson with a St. Margaret’s music teacher and we learned a lot about percussion.

Thank you,

Olivia and Lucy.

Have a great weekend,

Mr McGurn and P7A


PS Vijval won Hot Chocolate at home as our Over and Above winner.

November 8, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 8th November 2024

In Health and Wellbeing, we were learning about firework safety. We were very good at discussing the different pictures from the story of Firefighter Fred’s Firework Safety Show and we were able to say how we were going to keep ourselves safe. We also practised Stop, Drop and Roll to put out fires on our clothes.

As part of talk money week, we have been learning about different coins. We can recognise most coins and can order them from the smallest to biggest value. Ask us our strategy for how we remember the order. We have set up a shop in our classroom and we have enjoyed using the toy money to pay for things. Some people even made price tickets for the shop. We enjoyed playing games on the Smartboard to pay for items using pennies and some people challenged themselves by using lots of different coins to pay for things in the game.

In Literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘k’ and ‘ck’. We wrote a super sentence using our common words and sounds that we know and we tried very hard to write the k the correct way. We have used the magnetic letters to make words.

In RE, we have been learning The Eternal Rest prayer. We have started preparations for our Nativity performance and we enjoyed hearing some of the script and songs.

For Topic this week we were learning the names of different dinosaurs and we had to guess the dinosaur from the clues. We were very confident in guessing which one would appear and remembered a lot about carnivores and herbivores.

During Outdoor Learning, we used the magnetic letters to spell out words on the green sheds and we played some games to practise our addition skills. We had fun on the bikes and scooters too.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Harrison – I enjoyed using the aquabeads in the area.

Halliw – I enjoyed writing a sentence.

Niamh – I enjoyed playing in the shop.

Tyler –  I enjoyed reading books.

Zenith – I enjoyed playing in the shop.

Danvith – I enjoyed doing PE.

Zac – I enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.

Miss Stebbing – I was very impressed with how hard everyone tried to say ‘My name is…’ in Spanish. Everyone tried to say it correctly and some people helped others if they were a bit unsure.

Congratulations to Martha who is this week’s Hot Chocolate winner. She always works hard and helps other people if they need it.

November 8, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P1

We have had another great week of learning in P1.

In Math, we have continued learning number stories working on the stories of 8 and 9. It is money week this week so we used 1p coins in our adding calculations and we counted 1p coins to find out how much money items cost. We set up a class shop, which has been very popular.

Dawid – I love shopping.

Guhan Kumar – I liked selling things.

In Literacy, we learned the k and ck sound and used these sounds to build words. We wrote a fantastic sentence in writing and remembered we needed a capital letter and full stop at the end. We enjoyed listening to the story Leaf Man and then went into the woods and made our own leaf man.

Alfie – We went into the woods today.

Lena – It was fun making a leaf man.

This week for topic we learned about fossils, particularly dinosaur fossils. We learned about the role of a Paleontologist and had lots of fun in class digging for dinosaurs, making our own dinosaur fossil and building a dinosaur.

Ava – I liked making dinosaurs.

Arush – I liked playing with dinosaurs.

We enjoyed learning about Guy Fawkes night and we made our own fireworks pictures.

St Francis were house winners this week and enjoyed an extra playtime. We also enjoyed choosing our own learning in the area.

Tiara – I enjoyed 2 play times.

Felix – I liked playing with babies.

We hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.



November 8, 2024
by Miss Maxwell

W/E 08/11/2024


Welcome families of P4A!

We had a super time at the Riverside Museum on Wednesday. Here are some photos from the great time that we had.

Well done for working hard again this week P4A and representing our school so well by showing great manners and listening skills whilst at our trip. You followed our school rules of Ready, Respectful, Safe very well and I am so proud.

Here are some pupil opinions of their trip…

Linda “I liked making the inventions with lots of different materials”

Riley “I liked seeing all of the old fashioned cars like the Porche 911”

Rory “I liked the live show about the boats that were built at Glasgow”

Skyler “I loved being in groups and going on the toy car machine”

Deveena “I liked making our own inventions, I made a flying chair”


Our hot chocolate winner of the week goes to Ethan. Well done!

Have a great weekend!.

Miss Maxwell



November 2, 2024
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 28th October 2024

Hello families of P5B!

Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Blue table:

Sean and Nicolas both enjoyed playing Halloween musical statues.

Georgia and Addison both liked decorating little oranges to look like spooky pumpkins!

Anthony and Flynn both said the best parts of their week were the 2 times they went to mass.  On Wednesday the children received certificates at the church to acknowledge the Child Consecration journey they had participated in.  On Friday, Catholic children attended the holy day of obligation, All Saints Day mass.

Scott liked the talk from the fire service about how to keep safe near fireworks.

Olek loved playing Word Boost Corners and won!

Ava said her learning highlight was a lesson about the Day of the Dead with Mrs Broadley.

David enjoyed continuing his learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence.  The children had an introduction to the Battle of Falkirk with Mrs Broadley and will continue to learn more about this next week.

My highlight was when a group of Polish children, sang Happy Birthday in Polish to me!  It was very special.  Thank you boys!

Congratulations to our Michael our hot chocolate award winner and Addison, our reading champion!

Mrs Brown

November 2, 2024
by Miss Smith

Week Beginning 28/10/24 p5a

Pupil Highlights:

Julia: I enjoyed learning how to use the solar panels to create electricity, and, I enjoyed identifying whether questions were literal and inferential.

Chiji: I enjoyed taking part in the Handball Festival at Deans because we got to play against different teams from different schools.

John: I liked creating spooky posters because I got to use my imagination.

Ruari: I enjoyed going to church for All Saints Day.

Kyle: I enjoyed music because Mrs Morrison was telling about old music.

Suhanth: I enjoyed doing the posters too.

Babafola: I enjoyed learning about key figures from Black History.

Asim: I enjoyed the handball festival.

Congratulations to Chiji for g

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