St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

September 12, 2024
by Miss Maxwell

P4A- WB 9th September 2024

Welcome families of P4A!.

This week we have been working on lots of exciting things in class!.

Throughout this week we have continued on our place value topic within our maths and are all very confident in placing our numbers in their correct places. We have worked with concrete materials to help us position our numbers correctly and also used technology to help us learn through play. Top Marks and Sum dog are a hit in our class and by more engagement with these platforms, pupils are showing increased confidence in their maths.

Pictured below is P4A working collaboratively to help one another build 2,3 and 4 digit numbers! with thousands, hundreds, tens and ones on the interactive board.

Our topic as you all know is inventors and inventions. P4A have researched inventors of their choice this week on the laptops. They worked hard independently to create a bank of facts on some of the inventors that we have covered already and also some new inventors that they discovered during this time. Pupils are confident in using technology and therefore we are implementing this into our learning to enhance it even more.

Pictured below is some of P4A researching on their laptops.

P4A have shared that a highlight for them this week was getting their parts for their assembly which is approaching very fast!

We practiced as a class and we are super excited to have you all share this special time with us very soon.  We each have our parts home with us along with our inventors song.

Just to mention: We do not have hot chocolate this week as it is our September weekend.

Thank you P4A for another great week! I hope you and all of your families have a very good September weekend and I can’t wait to hear all about it when we come back next week.


Miss Maxwell 🙂


September 11, 2024
by Mrs Ross

Primary 4B – 07/09/2024

P4B are working hard on our learning. We have started to learn how to crochet this week and would be grateful if anyone has any spare wool they could share with us for this.

Aarav, Elvin and Diyon have all been winners of our Hot Choc at home as they showed bravery and didn’t let anything disturb their learning opportunities.

We are learning lots about Scottish Inventors and the things that they invented.


September 9, 2024
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 Weekely Update 6.9.24

We have had a fantastic week in Primary 2!  The children have now all settled in very well and are working very hard in class.

In Maths and Numeracy, we have been continuing to work on reading, writing and ordering numbers to 100.  We also developed our shape knowledge by learning the names of some 3D shapes.  We went on a shape walk around the school to see if we could find any 3D shapes in our environment and looked at different 3D shapes to see if they could stack or roll.


In Literacy, we have been learning how to make and use the ‘sh’ and ‘th’ sounds and we wrote about our favourite toy.


Learning Highlights

Daniel – I liked writing about my favourite toy.  I wrote about my football.

Ellie – I enjoyed free writing Friday. 

Alfie – I enjoyed learning about numbers to 100.

Maja – I liked going on a shape walk to find 3D shapes outside.

Umaez – I liked drawing the things that make me happy.

Big congratulations to our hot chocolate winner Alfie!  Alfie has been working very hard in class this week and has been demonstrating excellent listening skills.

We hope you all have a great weekend!

Forward Plan overview – Term 1


September 7, 2024
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 2nd September 2024

Hello families of P5B!

Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Yellow table:

Moseez and Daniel liked playing dodge ball during PE with Mr Pentland.

Ksawery and Nathan loved their session with ‘Destination Judo’.  Information leaflets of classes (with free trails) where sent home.

Alex has been enjoying mindfulness colouring in during Choosing Our Own Learning time.

Aayush said the highlight of his week was playing ‘Number Nap’.  This game can be used for any learning context but we used it to revise P4 learning of Time.

Ella liked our lesson on Prediction with Inference.  The children had 2 book covers to examine and using the clues on the cover, had to guess what the story may have been about.  The 2 titles we looked at were, ‘Peaceful Private’ and ‘Northern Lights’.  It was interesting to hear the different conclusions that were reached and why.  The ‘why’ was important.  The children had to put in to words why they came up with those conclusions.

Aaeryn-Leigh liked our lessons on procedure writing.  We started off examining writing of this genre and making observations on the layout.  We then wrote a procedure piece together as a class followed up with the children deciding upon and writing their own piece.  The use of a thesaurus was encouraged to up level vocabulary.  Mrs Brown was impressed with how one replaced replaced ‘dig a hole in the soil’ with ‘hallow out some soil’ (Nicolas) and how another used one of our Word Boost words(Addison). P5 will be working hard his year to up level the vocabulary in their writing.

Michael has continued to enjoy listening to our class novel.

My highlight was the Destination Judo session.  It was great to see the children work together to complete the different sequence of movements as well as having good fun!

Congratulations to our hot chocolate award winner, Aayush!

I hope you enjoy the weekend.

Just a reminder that next week is a short week, with the children finishing up on Thursday at 3.20pm and returning on Wednesday.

Mrs Brown

September 6, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 6th September 2024

This week we have been learning all about the ‘m’ sound. We have learned how to write the sound correctly and we have been practising writing it on the Smartboard. Ask us why the ‘m’ sound is in red. We wrote a sentence about what makes us angry and we were all able to remember how to write the common word ‘I’.

In maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes. We learned about the names and how many sides and corners each shape has. We made shape monsters to display on the Maths Wall. We also learned to write numbers 4, 5 and 6 correctly.

In RE, we learned about the important people in our school and how they help us.

We have started our Topic work all about the 5 senses. We learned all about our sense of touch this week. We had to feel the items inside the balloons and match them to the correct picture. We were very good at this activity. We then learned words to describe how different things felt and made a special hand picture to show this.

In PE, we have been listening and following instructions in different games. When we finished PE on Thursday, there was a fire drill and we did very well listening to the instructions to get out to the playground safely. Miss Stebbing and Mrs Lafferty were very proud of us.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Tyler – I enjoyed reading a book.

Freddie – I enjoyed playing with the marbles.

Elsie – I enjoyed making my monster.

Muhammad – I enjoyed playing with the trains.

Danvith –  I liked writing about being angry.

Niamh – I enjoyed writing m.

Miss Stebbing – I loved seeing all the shape monsters. They were very creative!

Congratulations to Elsie who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week. She showed a great attitude towards writing her numbers and the letter m this week.

September 6, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P6B – WB 02.09.24

Dear Readers,

Once again, welcome to our Blog!😀😀

As usual, this week was full of interesting things and these were just its highlights:

  • The new spelling words, which have been chosen from our addictive novel ‘Nowhere Emporium’ have been practised throughout the week and, as a result, today’s spelling assessment scores were absolutely brilliant! 👏👏👏Well done, P6B!
  • Revisiting the Narrative, its structure and identifying the different parts of the text ‘Rescue at Sea’.
  • Our Reading Comprehension about the ‘Nowhere Emporium’, where most have demonstrated how on task they have been and how much they have been managing to ‘read between the lines’.
  • In Numeracy and Maths, we have ordered numbers up to 7 digits, converted numbers up to 7 digits into their expanded form and converted numbers from their expanded form into their standard form. It was amazing to see how much children have enjoyed being more and more challenged. After, we went on to revisit the symbols for less than, greater than and equal to and have used them to compare numbers up to 7 digits as well. At the end of the week we have also had the opportunity to get our number skills tested on Prodigy through fun games and challenges.
  • In RE, we have continued learning about the Book of Exodus, the meaning of Passover and what do Jewish people do to celebrate it. This included learning about the Seder and what is included in the Seder Plate. In our school we are always happy to find out about other religions’ traditions!😍
  • Our new topic is Ancient Greece and we can’t wait to start working hard on it to find out as much as we possibly can. From what we have already watched, we’re sure it will be very interesting!
  • The week ended with Free Writing Friday and many children have asked to share their writing with the class, which is always great!
  • Last but not least, we would like to congratulate our Hot Chocolate of the Week for always following the school rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe! Well done, Renna, you are a ✨and a super good example to follow! 🏆👏😀

This is all for now, we say goodbye wishing all a happy weekend!

P6B and Mrs Valente 😘😘

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