St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

April 26, 2024
by Mr McGurn

Weekly Update P7A

Dear Parents,

Here’s what’s been happening in Primary 7A this week…

We’ve been completing assessments in Spelling and Maths this week which have taken up a bit of time but should be our last big assessments in this area and lets us know if there are any last areas we should target in this final term.

We have continued athletics in PE, this week looking at jumping so we practised standing long jump and triple jump. We also worked on fitness, this week through circuit training where we’ll record our scores over the next week and hope to see improvement.

In RE our Confirmands continued their journey to their Confirmation, writing commitment prayers and on Wednesday, taking part in a cluster Retreat at Howden St. Andrew’s for the day.

We have continued learning about Rainforests in IDL and completed bar charts for rainfall and some more mapping work. On Friday we had a quick look at rainforest tribe masks and then we visited the woodlands to make our own masks using clay and found materials. The results were as follows…




Emmanuel was our Hot Chocolate at Home winner for going Over and Above throughout the week.

Have a great weekend,


Mr McGurn and Primary 7A.

April 26, 2024
by Miss MacGregor

P6A Highlights 26th April

Hello P6A families,

We have had a busy week and now all fully settled back in after the holidays!

My teacher highlight is the amount of people on our Proud Cloud – it is fantastic to see so many people being recognised for going over and above towards peers in the class! The pupils take full control of this and whenever someone does something good, they put each other up on the board to celebrate and recognise success. Well done everyone!

Pupil highlights:

– taking a survey around the school about a topic of choice and creating a bar chart to display the data

– marking an example recount writing piece against the targets and identify strengths and next steps – this is to develop our understanding of what makes a good Recount.


Have a lovely weekend all, and you see you on Monday:)

Miss MacGregor

P.S – remember we have the Almond Cup sports festival at St.Margarets Academy On Tuesday

April 26, 2024
by Mrs Brand

Primary 2 Weekly Highlights – WB 22nd April

Hello Families of P2

We had a fantastic trip to the Five Sisters Zoo on Wednesday. The behaviour, manners and enthusiasm shown by all of the children was exceptional. Mrs Craig and I are very proud! We had a super workshop with one of the Zoologists. He taught us all about classifying animals.

We walked all around the zoo to see the animals and were even lucky enough to see the brown bears out playing. We had super fun at the playpark and enjoyed a picnic lunch in the sun.

Also this week, we continued working on our times tables and began work on fractions. We made lovely zoo posters and created models in block play.

Weekly Highlights

Summer – I loved the zoo trip.

Filip – I loved the park and the rabbits at the zoo.

Lillian – I liked learning 2 times tables.

Harald, Luca, Joshua and David – We loved playing at the park at the zoo.

Cameron – I liked learning about classifying the animals.

Rose – I liked seeing the mice at the zoo.

Owen – I liked creating models in block play.

Olga – I loved making a cheetah castle with the blocks.

Huge congratulations to Tudor, our hot chocolate winner!

Have a lovely weekend!

April 26, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P2/1

We have had a fun filled week and have worked really hard.

We started our new topic, The Magic Lunchbox and designed our own lunchboxes. We are looking forward to learning all about food.

We have been counting in two’s and started to think about 2 x table arrays.

On Wednesday, we visited the Five Sisters Zoo for our class. We started by visiting the park. Umaez enjoyed going down the slides and Victoria liked pretending to drive the Peppa Pig car. We then set off to look at the animals around the zoo.

Katie liked seeing the owls.
Martyna liked when we looked at all the different monkeys, especially the Spider Monkey.
Abdul Hameed loved seeing the lions, but they were sleeping.
Leighton was desperate to see the Meercats and was so happy when she spotted them.
Laaibah enjoyed watching the big cats.

We then went for a workshop to learn about classifying animals, we looked at animals that had bones and those that didn’t have bones.

On Thursday we had a Zoo themed day. P1 wrote about animals they saw on our trip and P2 made a poster to persuade people to visit the Five Sisters Zoo. We also designed our own Zoo’s with all our favourite animals and attractions.

This week P1 have been learning the sound ‘igh’ and P2 the sound ‘or’. We have spent some time today practising spelling our high frequency words.

April 26, 2024
by Mrs McLaughlin

P4a Week Beginning 22nd of April

This week we have been doing some revision in maths – we have been focusing on division.

Julia – my highlight has been doing my SNSAs

Joe – I have enjoyed researching the Olympics

Chiji – I have also enjoyed researching the Olympics, they have 32 different sports in them

John – I liked doing the Olympic timetable challenge

Lucas – I like doing my SNSAs too.

Mrs Lea was not in today so we will pick our Hot Chocolate winner next week!

April 21, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 15.04.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you have all had a happy Easter and have enjoyed lots of family fun time together!

In Primary 5A we were all super happy to be back and have had a super busy week, as usual!😊

The highlights were:

  • In RE, going over the final part of the Easter story again, so that we could rejoice together because Jesus is risen!
  • Started getting prepared for Earth Day, which will be celebrated on Monday,the 22nd of April, by watching a beautiful story about the World. We will continue working on the Rights  relating to it during the next week.
  • Continued our learning on the Narrative, paying special attention to Characters description, setting, cliffhangers and others.
  • Working on multiplication and division by 4, together with multiplication and division number families.
  • Working, within our teams, on our Science Eco-School Models which will need to be ready very soon and that have been taking a lot of our time.😊

We would like to congratulate the Philosopher’s Stone table for winning this week and challenge all other tables to continue working hard towards winning next week and the following ones!

We wish a very good and safe week ahead for all and say goodbye for now!

P5A and Mrs Valente 😘😘

April 19, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 15th April 2023

Hello P3A families,

It has been so great to see the children after the Easter holidays and everyone settled back in quite quickly.  Here are this week’s highlights from the Yellow table:

Ollie enjoyed our learning about Spring.  The children looked at some images online of animals feeding their young.  We also learned about breastfeeding as a healthy choice for babies.  We recalled Mrs Lafferty’s visit with her new baby before the Easter holidays when she spoke to us about how to take care of a baby.

Hasika loved planting seeds.  The children planted nasturtium seeds 2cms deep and have been tending to them all week.  They know that plants need water, sunlight, soil and air to grow.  They are looking forward to taking these flowers home and tasting these edible petals!

Laura  said the best part of her week was PE.  We linked or maths learning about ‘clockwise’ and ‘anticlockwise’  with a ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ game.  The children had to run in the given direction.

Zion liked our lesson on angles.  The children went on a hunt for angles that were bigger or smaller than a right angle.  We met Mrs Right who always wears a square necklace with 4 right angles.

Olivia’s highlight was joined up handwriting of the letters ‘ve’.  We made a list of words that have those 2 letters together and discovered that there are quiet a lot of them such as ‘have, gave, live, vegan, cave…’

Diana loved rounders.  The children are super at working together to run around the cones and a couple have managed a home run!  They are improving with their throwing, catching and batting skills.

Hafsah said a learning highlight of hers was completing an instructional drawing of a bunch of flowers with Mrs Brand.

Tvisha was excited to share that a maths lesson about fractions was the best part of her week.  The children cut a piece of bread in to four equal parts and then halved them again to make eighths.  They had a choice of spreads for their bread.

My highlight was the maths lesson about left and right (we had lots of directional learning this week).  Some children were blindfolded and were given directions that had them travelling around the room.  Many children were already confident with this learning as we use our right hand to bless ourselves during prayers.

Congratulations to Riley, our hot chocolate award winner this week and Alicaj our reading champion!

Lead Learners were Ethan and Haskia.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Hasika – “I also liked the raspberry jam on the bread when we were learning about fractions.”

Ethan – “ I loved GoNoodle.  I can’t pick my best song.  I liked them all.”

This week we had a trial of moving seats for the term ahead.  At the end of the week after careful deliberation, I have decided that going forward, we will have ‘Move it Mondays’ instead and the remainder of the week we will stay in our old seats.


Mrs Brown

April 19, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Weekly Learning Highlights 19th April 2024

It was wonderful to see all the children again after the Easter holidays and welcome them back to their final term of the school year.  There was lots of fun, learning and laughter this week.

Primary 1 were learning the sound igh and P2 focused on the er sound.  In our writing lesson we designed an Easter egg and used lots of describing words to describe its appearance.

In Maths we have been looking at the 2 times tables and counting in 2s and 10s.  We have also revisited addition within 10 and 30.

We looked at the life cycle of an owl and labelled the different parts of an owl.  We also drew our own Barn owl following a step by step guide.  We also looked at the life cycle of a bee and learned why bees are very important to our environment.

In Gym this term our focus is on jumping, throwing and running.  We had relay races which incorporated running and jumping over hurdles.

In Religion we recalled the resurrection of Jesus and we made our own empty tombs for our Religion display.

Our Learning Highlights:

‘I loved drawing the owls’  Laaibah

‘I liked Choosing Time’  Connor

‘I liked the running races’ Leighton

‘I liked the writing’ Khaleesi

Our winning table this week was the Green Table, congratulations to AbdulHameed our Hot Chocolate at Home for going over and above winner, and Well done to Katie our Reading Champion.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and we will see you again on Monday.


April 19, 2024
by Mr McGurn

Weekly Update P7A

Dear Parents,

Here’s a quick update of our learning as we start our final term at St. John Ogilvie PS!

In PE we have started fitness and athletics which will run for this term. On Monday we completed a Bleep Test and we will do that every few weeks to measure and hopefully see progress in our stamina levels. On Wednesday we worked on Running for Athletics, with a few games and them some relays.

We are writing Narratives at the moment so on Wednesday we wrote our own imaginative stories though we had some story starters if we needed an idea to get us started. Next week we will be writing about UFOs so on Friday, for Outdoor Learning, we took a walk to the UFO landing site up at Dechmont.

For maths we have now finished our work on long division and started a new approach to Problem Solving where we worked in trios to solve the problems. We worked on graphing tied to our Topic creating line graphs for temperatures in Edinburgh and The Amazon.

In RME the Confirmands have continued on their journey towards their Confirmation and on Friday we had our weekly prayer service based on Philippians 4:4.

Have a great weekend,

Mr McGurn and Primary 7

This week’s winner of Hot Chocolate at Home for going Over and Above was Inaya, though she doesn’t know yet as we were a little late getting back from Dechmont – she’ll get her prize on Monday.

April 19, 2024
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 Weekly Update – 19th April 2024

Good Afternoon,

It’s been great to have the children back in the classroom after the Easter holidays.  They have been working very hard and have shown lots of enthusiasm for learning.

The children have started learning the times tables in maths, and we are very impressed with how well the children are getting on.  If you get a chance to work on these at home, that would be very helpful.  We will be focusing on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables to begin with.

In health and wellbeing, we have been discussing the importance of getting enough sleep and how this impacts our body and mind.

Highlights of the Week:

Azmeer – I liked learning the times tables.

Cameron – I loved free writing Friday.  I wrote about Fortnite.

Owen – I enjoyed learning about sleep and why it is important that we get enough sleep.

Lillian – I liked writing an information report about my family.

Summer-Rose – I liked learning new sounds. 

Huge congratulation to our hot chocolate Friday winner this week, Zaroon!   He always works very hard and is a kind and helpful boy!  We are very proud of you Zaroon!

We were delighted to welcome two new pupils in to our class, David and Tudor.  The children have been very welcoming to our new starts, and they have settled in very well.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Craig and Mrs Brand

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