April 19, 2024
by Maria Brown
Hello P3A families,
It has been so great to see the children after the Easter holidays and everyone settled back in quite quickly. Here are this week’s highlights from the Yellow table:
Ollie enjoyed our learning about Spring. The children looked at some images online of animals feeding their young. We also learned about breastfeeding as a healthy choice for babies. We recalled Mrs Lafferty’s visit with her new baby before the Easter holidays when she spoke to us about how to take care of a baby.
Hasika loved planting seeds. The children planted nasturtium seeds 2cms deep and have been tending to them all week. They know that plants need water, sunlight, soil and air to grow. They are looking forward to taking these flowers home and tasting these edible petals!
Laura said the best part of her week was PE. We linked or maths learning about ‘clockwise’ and ‘anticlockwise’ with a ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ game. The children had to run in the given direction.
Zion liked our lesson on angles. The children went on a hunt for angles that were bigger or smaller than a right angle. We met Mrs Right who always wears a square necklace with 4 right angles.
Olivia’s highlight was joined up handwriting of the letters ‘ve’. We made a list of words that have those 2 letters together and discovered that there are quiet a lot of them such as ‘have, gave, live, vegan, cave…’
Diana loved rounders. The children are super at working together to run around the cones and a couple have managed a home run! They are improving with their throwing, catching and batting skills.
Hafsah said a learning highlight of hers was completing an instructional drawing of a bunch of flowers with Mrs Brand.
Tvisha was excited to share that a maths lesson about fractions was the best part of her week. The children cut a piece of bread in to four equal parts and then halved them again to make eighths. They had a choice of spreads for their bread.
My highlight was the maths lesson about left and right (we had lots of directional learning this week). Some children were blindfolded and were given directions that had them travelling around the room. Many children were already confident with this learning as we use our right hand to bless ourselves during prayers.
Congratulations to Riley, our hot chocolate award winner this week and Alicaj our reading champion!
Lead Learners were Ethan and Haskia. They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe. They also get to say something extra for the blog:
Hasika – “I also liked the raspberry jam on the bread when we were learning about fractions.”
Ethan – “ I loved GoNoodle. I can’t pick my best song. I liked them all.”
This week we had a trial of moving seats for the term ahead. At the end of the week after careful deliberation, I have decided that going forward, we will have ‘Move it Mondays’ instead and the remainder of the week we will stay in our old seats.
Mrs Brown