St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

February 10, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6B – 10th February

Dear P6B families, We have had a excellent last week before the February break – full of lots of learning. Teacher highlights: Starting the research for our new writing topic, Information Reports. Everyone was very engaged and managed to find … Continue reading

January 27, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6B 27.01.23

Wow, what a week we have had! As I am sure you can all imagine, a lot of this week was finalising the preparation for our Burns’ Supper and Class Assembly. We have been busy creating PowerPoints about the life … Continue reading

January 22, 2023
by Mr Pentland

P6A Update

Term Overview A great week in P6. Pupil Voice Josh liked our work on up levelling sentences from a ‘telling sentence’ to a ‘showing paragraph’ Natalia enjoyed our HWB drama this week! Inaya liked starting our Scots language dictionaries. They’re … Continue reading

January 20, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6B 20th January Blog

Hi P6B families, Another great week full of fantastic learning. Teacher highlights: Up-levelling our descriptive writing by exploring ‘Show Don’t Tell’ sentences. Instead of just telling the reader what the character is doing/how they are feeling, we looked at how we can … Continue reading

January 13, 2023
by Mr Pentland

P6A Update

We have had a very quick first week back and a great time! Olivier and Inaya liked researching Scottish Inventions and creating a fact poster to show what they learned. Sam enjoyed learning about function machines in numeracy, recapping our … Continue reading

January 13, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6B 13th Jan

Hello P6B families, We have had a great first week back after Christmas. It has been lovely to see everyone and hear about what you all got up to. This week we have started rehearsing for our Burns performance and … Continue reading

December 23, 2022
by Miss MacGregor

P6B 23rd December

Dear families, We have had a great last week of term and we’re all so excited for Christmas. Our class highlights were our class Christmas party, carol singing in the area with P6A and both P7s and dancing away to … Continue reading

December 16, 2022
by Mr Pentland

P6A Update

Pupil highlights: Aoife – “I loved practising for our advent service on monday” – Oilvier agreed with this. Sam – “I liked making a Livingroom in the snow!” Josh – “I liked working on budgets and looking at what it … Continue reading

December 16, 2022
by Miss MacGregor

Hi P6B families, We have had a busy and successful week, including our Advent Service performance, a trip to the library and playing in the snow! Pupil highlights of the week: Urwa and Naman: We enjoyed planning a birthday party … Continue reading

December 12, 2022
by Mr Pentland

P6A Update

Josh – Helping the P2s. Olivier – Watching the advent service. Amelia – Playing word tennis Aoife – PE, Dancing Emily – 4 contexts display Caleb – Tinkercad Daisy – notetaking Natalia – climate change poster Elizabete – I liked … Continue reading

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