St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Week 24/04/23 – Primary 3B



Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have been extremely busy in Primary 3B.

We have been focusing on revising our knowledge of number and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and applying these to worded problems. We have also been practising our mental maths strategies as part of our morning starters.

In literacy we have practised spelling and reading within our groups through a variety of strategies and questioning techniques. As a class we watched and read about Marli the Puffin and how plastic pollution affected her. Next week children will revisit this by completing a comprehension task. Furthermore, we have examined singular and plural and how this changes the spellings of animals’ names. Following an episode of newsround, we also wrote our own opinions about ‘What happened to Gary the Gorilla?’.

In Spanish we continue to learn the parts of the body and in Health we have been learning different emotion words to help us express ourselves.

We continue our topic ‘Endangered Animals’ and enjoyed finding definitions using both the classroom dictionaries and the Children’s Online Dictionary, using our Ipads. We have began practising for our class assembly on May 19th, which will focus on this current topic.

Congratulations to Addison, who is this week’s Hot Chocolate Award winner!

Please find the learning overview attached for term 4.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Broadley x



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