Dear Parents,
This week we have been continuing our numeracy work on multiplication and division and as we now have a date for our SNSA assessments we will move onto Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. In maths we have finished symmetry for the moment and will move onto Angles and Co-ordinates. A West Lothian Sumdog Competition has started and runs until next Thursday, that will be our homework for next week and there will be prizes!!!
In Literacy we have been working on Explanation reports, taking notes and then turning them into reports in our own words. We wrote about The Common Cold this week and next week we will get to pick from a range of topics to write about.
On Wednesday we had some Hot Chocolate at the Firepit, as the cold weather makes it nice to sit round the fire with a mug of cocoa!
We have been preparing for P7a’s Advent Service for the Upper Area on Monday and getting our Christmas Door Display ready for next Friday.
Our Hot Chocolate at Home winner this week was….
Nellie! Great Job
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mr McGurn and Primary 7a