St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4a Learning Highlights

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Here is some information about what we got up to before the October holidays.

Curriculum areas and subjects   

In Handwriting, we were practising writing e, l, b and h. The lesson helps us to improve our handwriting.

In Maths, we were learning about 3D objects. We learnt the names of the 3D objects. We also did some challenges. The first challenge was to use the nets of 3D objects to create the shapes. The second was to make 3D objects out of straws and plasticine. The last one was to make 3D objects out of construction toys. It was a bit tricky but it was fun!

Interdisciplinary learning

We were learning about needs and wants. We were cutting and sticking all the things we need, e.g., education, clothes, shelter and clean water, on one page and things we want on the other, e.g., bikes and designer clothes.

The ethos and life of the school

Emily- ‘I have enjoyed our ERIC time. In the morning, we get to read a book to help us calm down so we are ready to learn.’

Alessio- ‘We won the playground reward which meant we got to play outside before break time. We got to play football, listen and dance to songs and play with the toy box.’

Riley- ‘I got to play football and I scored 10 goals! The score was 10-2.’

Opportunities for personal achievement

Nellie- ‘I am proud of my picture I drew when we were making a friendship poster.’

Lewis- ‘I am proud of my effort when rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.’

Zahra- ‘I am proud of us winning the playground reward and dancing to the Macarena.’

Millan- ‘I am proud of my maths because I am starting to get better at rounding to the nearest 100.’


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