St Anthony's Primary School Blog

June 17, 2020
by Miss McLean

P3 – Wednesday 17.06.20

Good Morning Boys and Girls!

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday.

Todays learning is a little bit different. We will be planning for Fridays activity – a Teddy Bear Picnic.

Here is your PowerPoint – Teddy Bear Picnic 1

Have fun planning your picnic and enjoy your day P3!

Miss McLean😃

June 17, 2020
by User deactivated

A Big Hello From Mrs Rist.

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

I hope you are all doing well. I think about all the boys and girls in St Anthony’s all the time. I would like to wish Primary 7 all the best as they move on to High School. I know they will be good representatives for St Anthony’s. I am also looking forward to seeing everyone else when we come back to school after the holidays.

Take Care,

Mrs Rist

June 17, 2020
by User deactivated

P7 Wednesday 17th June

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are well today.

As we are nearing the end of term, I have reduced your workload right down.

Once again, I have included a virtual school trip today in your daily powerpoint.

This time, it is a trip to Anstrdam to visit Anne Frank’s House. I hope you enjoy it.

Remember that you have a transition lesson on Teams at 2.30pm today.

Can I also ask that if you have not done a tie video or if you have not sent me your photos and videos, please do so as soon as possible. Details of what you need to send me are included in the request letter below. I have also included instructions for the tie video in today’s powerpoint.

I hope you have a lovely day!

Wednesday 17-6-20 PPT

P7 Leavers – Request Letter

June 17, 2020
by Mrs Llaza

Suggested Programme of Learning 17th June 2020

Good morning children!

Morning Prayer. Say a Hail Mary as a special intention for all children who are missing school and their friends.  May we all appreciate the gift of learning together, sharing ideas, playing, discovering and growing in love for one another. Amen


Spelling- ‘cial’ endings

Rapid readers you can access this link and search for spelling games you will enjoy.


Reading – ALL GROUPS

The Inference Collection

Choose any of the images that attract your attention.  Answer the questions below the image you choose.

Mental maths starter ( those who have IDL numeracy should work should on that.

What do you think is the best deal?



T2-M-1787-Year-5-Multiplication-and-Division-Square-and-Cube-Numbers-Maths-Mastery-Activities-Activity-Sheets_ver_4 (1)

number word problems 12.6.20

Sumdog 30 mins

Health and Well-being

P.E. with Joe Wicks – YOU-TUBE  17th June 2020



June 17, 2020
by Mrs Bett

Maths Through Stories – Ten In The Bed by Penny Dale

Morning Everyone

Hope your all enjoying the different blogs this week.

Today I have posted a video of the story Ten in the bed.  This can be a good way of developing your counting through stories.   Enjoy watching the video and perhaps you could try the various maths activities listed.

  1. Count forwards from 0-10 the animals in the story.
  2. Count backwards from 10-0 the animals in the story.
  3. Start counting from a different starting point e.g 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
  4. Count backwards from a different starting point e.g. 5,4,3,2,1.
  5. What number comes before a number e.g whats before number 3 that’s correct the number 2.
  6. What number comes after a number e.g what number comes after 5 that’s correct the number 6.
  7. What number is missing e.g 0,1,2.3,  ,5,6,7,8,9,10. That’s right the number 4.

I hope you enjoy these different activities as these can be suited to every child’s development stage.

Stay Safe

Nursery Team

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