Category Archives: Parent/Carer Information

Focus Sessions:  Building skills together


For parents of pre-school children with additional support needs

2nd Thursday of the month on Skype for Business

Time: 10am – 12pm (approx.)

Sessions will focus on practical strategies and examples of different ways of working with children with additional support needs.  There will be the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss ideas together.

Topics Include:

Date                                                       Focus session
12th November Primary 1 School Application Process

Taking parents of pre-school children through the various steps involved in applying for your child’s first primary school place.  We will also discuss the different mainstream and ASN options available in West Lothian.

10th December Play ideas for children with additional support needs

Activities, toys, sensory play and practical ideas for setting up successful play with children with a range of additional needs.

14th January What is Global Developmental Delay, Intellectual or Learning Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder?

What do these terms mean and what does this means from your child’s brain.

11th February Ways to Support Your Child’s Communication across their day: Understanding

Ways that you can help your child understand what is happening in their day and the words that they hear, this might include using objects, photos, symbols or songs.

11th March Ways to Support Your Child’s Communication across their day: Expression

How your child might already communicate at home and ideas to support their communication development, using strategies such as Sign-a-long, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), objects, photos, symbols and also simple technology.

13th May Managing challenging behaviour through Positive Behaviour Support

Discussing why children use behaviours that challenge and help build on your strategies to reduce these behaviours.

Places are limited at each of these Focus Sessions so booking is essential.

You will be sent the link for each session you book on to.

To book your place please email Maria Brown, Development Officer – Early Years / ASN 

A copy of the Flier can be downloaded or printed by clicking on the link :

Focus Sessions flyer 2020-2021 (1) 

Building Key Words in the Early Years


In response to a request following our recent questionnaire, here are a few ideas of key words and strategies you can use to develop early communication at home.

Building Knowledge of Key Words in the Early Years

There is also a bit of information on Objects of Reference and a few tips on how to choose objects. objects_of_reference_docx_ald_version

At the back of the booklet, there is a number of Speech and Language Therapy Links.

Just a little reminder, that your Speech and Language Therapist is still available to offer support and advice over the phone if you require it.  If you are unable to reach you Speech and Language Therapist for any reason the NHS ‘Lets Talk’ Advice Phone Line is available on:


Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am – 5pm and Wednesdays 9am – 11.30am

ELC Transition Tips

Transition Booklet

Planning for Successful Transitions  for little ones starting an Early Learning Centre (ELC) for the first time can cause mixed emotions for all parents – this can be particularly the case for families with a child  who has a disability, additional support need or a delay in their development.  Many parents like to be organised well in advance and feel they have done everything they can to prepare their child .  Given the circumstances this year, it can be difficult at this time to predict what  the new school /ELC year will look .  This however does not stop you as a parent, starting to think about what you can do at home to begin to prepare both you and your child for their time  at ELC.  The PSHTS Transition Booklet will offer a few suggestions to get you started.  Your Key Worker is also on the end of the phone if they can be of any help and if you have any ideas that other parents could benefit from, we would love to share them! 

Before The Talking Starts – The Importance of Play in Building Pre-Verbal Skills


Building Pre-Verbal Skills

There are a number of building blocks that have to be in place before young children begin to  talk and use language.   That  doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to say – we just have to look a bit closer and listen a bit better to the  ‘Pre-Verbal’ messages that children are  attempting to communicatie!   Play can be really important to support the development of pre-verbal skills and learn about how specific children communicate their messages non-verbally.  Some children, with the right support, can do this really successfully.  With the current  Social Distancing measures and our increased use of gesture  and expression to communicate, maybe our little ones can teach us a thing or two!!!

Sensory Calming Ideas for the Early Years




Sensory Calming Ideas

Getting to know and understand your family’s sensory needs and preferences can help you to identify calming activities that can provide sensory input and security: reducing anxiety and distressed behaviours.

If you or your child is in need of some ‘Head Space’ check out our Sensory Calming Ideas, Create Calm Environments, Listen to calming sounds and  try some Yoga stretches.


Our Eight Senses – Fun activities to help with your child’s sensory development

I’m sure being in lockdown has meant you can’t avoid noticing some behaviours in your child that you don’t understand or can’t seem to distract them from e.g. They are always on the move and can’t seem to sit still; they are always throwing things; they can’t stop climbing; hate being on the swings at the park etc.

Take a look at Our EIGHT senses guide to see how your child’s senses might be affecting their behaviour and try some activities that might help The Proprioception System The vestibular system!…or just have a bit of fun with the activities!

Here is a little starter to share with your little!