Monthly Archives: May 2020

Sensory Calming Ideas for the Early Years




Sensory Calming Ideas

Getting to know and understand your family’s sensory needs and preferences can help you to identify calming activities that can provide sensory input and security: reducing anxiety and distressed behaviours.

If you or your child is in need of some ‘Head Space’ check out our Sensory Calming Ideas, Create Calm Environments, Listen to calming sounds and  try some Yoga stretches.


Using music and rhymes to support early learning at home

Check out some Early Learning tips to support your child to get the most from everyday music and rhymes at home. Early Years Music Ideas

If you would like you to take part in music sessions socially – The National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCOS) are currently offering ‘Mini Music Makers’ Sessions on Zoom.  A four week block of music sessions cost £10.  If this is something you might be interested in but financially this is challenging time, take a look at their Website booking options to explore financial support available.

If joining an online group is not for you at this time and you would rather take things at your child’s pace: Gordon, Beatlie School’s Music Teacher, has posted a large number of music sessions and activities that can be accessed at Beatlie’s blog and enjoyed at home:

 If you have not yet had the opportunity the explore Beatlie Schools Blog – It is well worth taking a look at both the blog and website which has a wealth of useful information for families who care for a child with a disability, additional support need or developmental delay:

Our Eight Senses – Fun activities to help with your child’s sensory development

I’m sure being in lockdown has meant you can’t avoid noticing some behaviours in your child that you don’t understand or can’t seem to distract them from e.g. They are always on the move and can’t seem to sit still; they are always throwing things; they can’t stop climbing; hate being on the swings at the park etc.

Take a look at Our EIGHT senses guide to see how your child’s senses might be affecting their behaviour and try some activities that might help The Proprioception System The vestibular system!…or just have a bit of fun with the activities!

Here is a little starter to share with your little!