Monthly Archives: April 2020

‘Cause and Effect’ Play Ideas


Cause and Effect Play

‘Cause and Effect’ Play helps children to recognise that they have some control over their world.  Children need to learn that they can make things happen for themselves by the actions they take or the things that they do!

When children understand they can make things happen for themselves their curiosity grows, along with a desire to find ways to interact and engage with others to communicate their needs and choices.

Click on the link for a few play ideas to get you started, then take a look about the house and see what other activities you can find!

Speech and Language Therapy Support

Supporting and understanding early communication skills is often an area of huge interest to the families we work with.

Speech and Language Information and advice is available at:



There are regular Sign-A-Long Sessions for Parents / Carers run by the Speech & Language Therapists, free of charge, at Beatlie School.  If sign-a-long is something you are interested in learning about and how this could benefit your child visit the Sign-a-long Website at

Sign-a-long are currently offering 27 free signs for you to  take a look at and explore.  If you are interested and feel you would benefit from a Speech and Language Therapists guidance in: learning the correct hand formations, how to introduce Sign-a-Long to your child or feel you would benefit with additional signs specific to child’s interests,  please speak to your Speech and Language Therapist or PSHTS Key-Worker about how to access Sign-A-Long Sessions.

Free Sign-A-Long Booklet



Missing our PEEP groups!!!


Try Devie now, and sign up for updates at

If you are missing our PEEP group, or are interested in learning a bit more about PEEP, a new App which offers a wide range of activities to keep the kids busy and offer some wellbeing tips has been made available by PEEPLE.

Take a look, have some fun!   When we are able to get our new PEEP ASN groups up and running as well as being in contact, we will post the details!

Yvonne, Diane and Gill

To our amazing parent community,

First of all, we hope that you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe indoors during this difficult time. 

We’ve heard from many of you over the last few weeks that you could use some support with keeping your little ones occupied and learning, and taking care of your own wellbeing during this isolation period at home. So we worked with our content partners at Peeple ( to create the Home Learning Programme- daily research-based activities that’ll help you keep your little ones occupied and learning, and take care of your own wellbeing. 

The programme is now available when you update the Devie app via the App store or Google Play store! We’d love for you to give the programme a try and tell us what you think, and how we can further support you during this time. 

Take care, stay safe and indoors, and as always, don’t hesitate to contact me directly if there are ways we can support you better. 


Puja and the Devie Team

Devie is a digital coach that supports every parent to help their child grow. Our vision is that every child starts school and life with an equal chance for success, and that every parent feels confident and satisfied in their ability to provide their child with this start.

Try Devie now, and sign up for updates at

UK Phone: +44 (777) 447-9908

US Phone: +1 (408) 691-0327

Peeple is an independent charity which supports parents and children to learn together. Registered charity no. 1144975 in England & Wales and no. SCO44031 in Scotland, and company limited by guarantee in England & Wales no. 07514469. Peep Learning Ltd is the trading subsidiary of “Peeple”. Registered company no. 4089209. VAT reg. no. 768 4173 94. Registered address (both Peep Learning Ltd and Peeple): The Peeple Centre, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 6JZ