Tag Archives: Numeracy
Number Talks have started this week in P6…..
Remember you can access loads of games set by Mrs C each week to practice new concepts taught in class P6… and if you got a new device for Christmas this is a great way to use it….
This week log in with your home license to show off your skills of DOUBLING and how to PLOT a position on a GRID at home?
Good Luck!
P6 are being introduced to Sumdog this week……
each pupil will be issued with a private username and password to use at home and school so they can track their progress in a variety of maths challenges…….
P6 do you want to Beat That this week?
P5 check this out…for our outdoor maths session next week..
Rounding decimals for P5 -try this game for Maths Week 2018!
Maths Week in P5 You will love this game…
Summer Holidays – don’t be bored try these P3!
P 3 check out a new times table link
Every week we are trying hard to improve our BEAT THAT SCORES so why not get some practice using our link to a super times table website right here down the right hand side of our blog under links for pupils…..good luck!
Big Maths song for everyone in P3..we love it !!!
Audio Player