Tag Archives: Literacy

Our Penpals from Fauldhouse have replied P5!

So excited to share the letters with you tomorrow(Friday 10/5). The pupils have written some beautifully punctuated letters, with fantastic handwriting and have asked some great questions! Miss Timmins and i can’t wait for you to learn more about your new friends.

Miss Timmins tells me her P5 class are off to camp next week so we have wish them a safe, sun filled time and we hope to have some reply letters waiting for their return!

Bedtime Book Challenge for P5……

P5 are hoping to set themselves a Bedtime Book Challenge as part of their First Ministers Reading Passport Target for Term 4.

P5 can use a book of their choice or one of the Read Write Count Books available to borrow and take home each Friday of the term. This should be a great way to spend the last 15 minutes of the day before lights out and we would all love to encourage  all the adults in the house to grab their own book and join in too!
